City of Oakland

SEIU 1021

City of Oakland

SEIU 1021 staff and member leaders are working hard to safeguard your health at work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Click here to find employer-specific information, details, and documents to learn more about what’s happening in your worksite during this outbreak.

Download the City of Oakland Memorandum of Understanding (2022 -2025)

Know Your Rights: Weingarten Rules

Chapter meetings are always the last Wednesday of the month.



City of Oakland workers keep up the fight against layoffs

The City of Oakland recently issued layoff notices to more than two dozen SEIU 1021 members, and many workers belonging to other Oakland unions. Oakland’s union coalition has been fighting back hard against these cruel cuts that seek to balance the budget on the backs of working people.


SEIU 1021 members show up for Oakland’s special election
Vote for Kara Murray-Badal, Barbara Lee, and the half-cent sales tax April 15

The City of Oakland has a special election coming up on April 15, and SEIU 1021 members are showing up to support candidates and policies that will protect jobs and services. On Saturday, February 1, 1021 members came out to support the candidate we’ve endorsed for Oakland’s District 2 city council seat: Kara Murray-Badal.


SEIU 1021 members speak out against Oakland’s budget cuts

Budget cuts voted on by Oakland City Council members last week threaten jobs and city services.

These budget cuts will impact many of our fellow union members who work hard to keep the city as safe and clean as possible.

Not only will public safety be affected, layoffs and reassignment are expected for city workers including about 30 public works employees. 


Once again, city workers in Oakland band together to fight off service cuts and budget mismanagement

On Monday, November 19, a coalition of Oakland city workers from several unions called a press conference to present a budget roadmap for Oakland, a city that badly needs one. The coalition was fighting against budget problems that are driving city administrators to propose service cuts and even potential layoffs, as threatened by longtime Councilmember Noel Gallo. 


RSVP for Chapter Meeting
Wed., Oct. 30, 5:30 p.m.

Our contract expires on June 30, so we need to start getting ready NOW. Come to the chapter meeting to get informed, inspired, and involved!

Make sure to vote by November 5! Our Oakland endorsements: 

  • MAYOR: Vote NO on recall
  • CITY COUNCIL: Rowena Brown, Zac Unger, Carroll Fife, Erin Armstrong, Iris Merriouns


All endorsements:


Oakland City Council passes budget without job cuts
Layoffs & service cuts are off the table for now, contingent on the sale of the Coliseum

The Oakland City Council voted in favor of the mayor’s budget proposal on Tuesday, July 2, saving SEIU 1021 members from any immediate threat of job cuts.

The days leading up to the vote grew contentious as city workers fought against proposed changes that would cut public services and jobs. They packed the council chambers alongside community allies and activists leading up to the vote and on the day of the vote, urging council members to stick with the initial plan to backfill a deficit with the sale of the Coliseum. 


Members protest proposed budget cuts to Oakland City services

Unions representing Oakland city employees united on Friday, June 28, to together protest a proposal that would address a historical budget deficit by slashing funding to critical services, including firefighters and police.

Members of SEIU 1021 and IFPTE Local 21 gathered in front of City Hall at Frank Ogawa Plaza in the afternoon, donning their union colors and holding up signs that read, “Chop from the top!” 


Help Fix Oakland’s Budget Deficit: Rally at City Council, Tuesday, April 16
Fight Furloughs, Layoffs, and Service Cuts

Rally at City Council

Tuesday, April 16
3:30 p.m. or 6 p.m.
City Hall, Oakland

The City of Oakland is facing a $175 million budget deficit, and union members must speak out to keep the budget from being balanced on the backs of City workers and residents who depend on the services we provide.

We need to work together to make sure our jobs are protected and our services aren’t interrupted.

Here’s how you can help:


SEIU 1021 City of Oakland Chapter Election Notice 2024



Governed by SEIU Local 1021 Chapter Bylaws Template  

Seven Chapter Officer Positions Open for Election: 

All Chapter Officers Shall Serve Two-year Terms (The term of office for these officers shall end  March 31, 2026). The member running for office must have been a member in good standing for at least one (1) year  and be employed within a bargaining unit represented by the Chapter. 


Interfaith In the Park: A Community-Building Event for Deep East Oakland
Saturday, June 24: Noon - 3 p.m., Arroyo Viejo Park Amphitheater, 7701 Krause Ave.

Interfaith in the Park is a great opportunity for community building, spiritual healing, and outreach as One Oakland. The Interfaith in the Park event will provide free safety, wellness, and job resources to our leaders in Deep East Oakland. There will be music, food, remarks from the Mayor, and a meet and greet with the new City Administrator.