City of Oakland

SEIU 1021

City of Oakland

SEIU 1021 staff and member leaders are working hard to safeguard your health at work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Click here to find employer-specific information, details, and documents to learn more about what’s happening in your worksite during this outbreak.

Download the City of Oakland Memorandum of Understanding (2022 -2025)

Know Your Rights: Weingarten Rules

Chapter meetings are always the last Wednesday of the month.



An Update and a Call to Action
May 8, 2020

Please Join Us to Show the City That We Are United Tuesday, May 16 5:30 p.m. Car Caravan Around Lake Merritt

Dear City of Oakland co-worker:

This week has mostly been more of the same from the City of Oakland. They have implemented plans that hurt workers without planning or meeting with the workers in advance, they have engaged in dishonest budgeting that seems more interested in hiding money than using it, and they abruptly cancelled a City Council meeting where important votes were scheduled to deal with the pandemic and appoint the new City Administrator. 

This update covers three items: 


May 1, 2020

Good afternoon, SEIU 1021 City of Oakland members, 
I want to provide an update on various items about the City’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and Union’s involvement.  So far, the city has been doing close to the minimum and the union has advocated for more family-friendly and worker-friendly policies as well as addressing PPE and safety concerns. We have won quite a lot from the City so far, but there are more battles ahead.


Join Our Car Caravan
Around Lake Merritt, Tuesday, May 26, 2020, @ 5:30 p.m.

 Show Up for City Services 


 Starting at 5, come to the parking lot next to the Lucky Supermarket (207 E 18th St, Oakland) and we will put a poster on your car for visibility! (Or put a purple t-shirt on your back right window.)  Then we will circle the lake clockwise (lake on your right) to show that we’re united in opposition to the current layoffs of our temporary, part-time co-workers and the Mayor’s threatened further cuts.

We will be observing all social distancing protocols for this action.


SEIU 1021 City of Oakland Chapter Elections Paused

Due to the shutdown over the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Oakland Chapter elections will be suspended until further notice.

Once the City opens for regularly scheduled business, we will proceed with the chapter elections as planned, with a new timeline.

All nominations that were received will still be valid when we reconvene.

Thank you for understanding during this time where safety is our number-one goal.

—The Elections Committee
Rocky Brown — Headstart
Adelina Hernandez — Oakland Public Library
Courtney Holmes — Public Works


City of Oakland Chapter Elections

Per SEIU 1021 bylaws, the election for Chapter Officers will take place on March 26, 27 and 30, 2020. You must be a member to vote or to nominate a candidate. To nominate yourself or someone else, complete the nomination form and mail it or deliver it in person to:

SEIU 1021
Attn: City of Oakland Chapter Elections 
100 Oak Street
Oakland, CA 94607


INFO PICKET Wed., Sep. 25, Noon
14th & Broadway -- Purple Up and Join SEIU 1021 and IFPTE Local 21 As We Speak Out for a Fair Contract

City workers love Oakland. But many city workers are doing the jobs of two or three people because the City Administration refuses to solve the understaffing crisis. There are more than 600 unfilled vacancies across the city, and it’s stretching us thin and depriving Oakland’s residents of the services they deserve.

We’re dedicated, but enough is enough. Join us as we rally to improve public services and build an Oakland for everyone.

RSVP to the MRC 1-877-687-1021 and we will see you there!  (Lunch will be provided.)


Current Tentative Agreements
To Learn More and to Get Involved, Come to the General Membership Meeting: Wed., July 31, 5 p.m., 100 Oak St.

After months of bargaining, the City has still never increased their economic offer that would make City workers poorer and put them further behind the region’s increasing cost of living, and they continue to try to roll back the internal hiring processes established in section 14.7 of our contract. Your elected Bargaining Team is continuing to meet with the City and a mediator, and have bargaining sessions scheduled in July and August.


Tell the City to Come Back to the Table

Two proud City of Oakland workers hold an SEIU 1021 poster and the letter our members delivered to Sabrina Landreth.

Two weeks ago, the City’s representatives walked away from the bargaining table, claiming negotiations were at an impasse. This claim was a lie: we were hard at work, passing proposals and counterproposals, so we immediately filed an unfair labor practice charge against them.

On Monday, City Council passed a budget. The budget didn’t address our issues adequately, and on Tuesday, our members stormed City Hall with Local 21 and delivered a message to City Administrator Sabrina Landreth: get your representatives back to the table, and tell them to bargain in good faith.


We Will NOT Allow the City to Make Threats or Sabotage Our Bargaining Process
Stand Up to the Mayor's Bullying at City Hall, Tuesday, June 18, at 5 p.m.

The City is trying to scare our members by threatening layoffs and falsely claiming bargaining is at impasse: We need to show we will NOT be intimidated.

City Administration took two outrageous actions this week, emailing our members and threatening them with layoffs for supporting City Council President Rebecca Kaplan’s budget and then claiming contract negotiations are at an impasse.


Step Up for Your Contract: Tuesday, June 18, 5 p.m., City Hall
Our Strength Comes from our Numbers: We Need EVERYONE to Come to This City Council Meeting and Stand Up for Services for the City

 Come Tell City Council:

  • Pass the People’s Budget
  • Reject the Mayor’s lies and threats
  • Fund the services the city needs and the workers who provide those services

Come whenever you can: this meeting will go late, and we need you whenever you can show up.


Public Budgets that Lift Up Public Programs and Working Families

As cities, counties, schools, and other public agencies finalize their budgets, workers who provide vital services are speaking out and ensuring that elected officials are prioritizing programs that put working families first.

At budget forums across city, Oakland workers are standing up to tell City Council members that homelessness, affordable housing, and cleaner, safer streets are priorities for everyone who lives and works in the city, and that these problems demand restored staffing and funding levels.


The City Is on the Attack
It’s Time to Step Up and Fight Back!

On Friday, May 3, your elected Bargaining Team met with the City.

From Day 1 of negotiations, the City’s high-priced consultants have ignored our wage proposals, blown off our suggestions for improving services to the people of Oakland, and wasted time on “correcting” or “clarifying” things in our contract that were perfectly clear and didn’t need any corrections.