City of Oakland

SEIU 1021

City of Oakland

SEIU 1021 staff and member leaders are working hard to safeguard your health at work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Click here to find employer-specific information, details, and documents to learn more about what’s happening in your worksite during this outbreak.

Download the City of Oakland Memorandum of Understanding (2022 -2025)

Know Your Rights: Weingarten Rules

Chapter meetings are always the last Wednesday of the month.



SEIU 1021 welcomes Oakland’s next mayor, Sheng Thao

Wednesday, November 23, SEIU 1021 joined many Oakland residents at City Hall to welcome Sheng Thao as Oakland’s next mayor. Thao is a longtime friend of working people, having served on Oakland City Council for District 4 since 2018 and as City Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan’s chief of staff before that.


Don’t Forget to Request Time Off to Vote!
California Law Allows You to Take Up to Two Hours Off to Vote Without Losing Pay

POLLS ARE OPEN FROM 7:00 A.M. TO 8:00 P.M. EACH ELECTION DAY  If you are scheduled to be at work during that time and you do not have sufficient time outside of working hours to vote at a statewide election, California law allows you to take up to two hours off to vote, without losing any pay. You may take as much time as you need to vote, but only two hours of that time will be paid. Your time off for voting can be only at the beginning or end of your regular work shift, whichever allows the most free time for voting and the least time off from your regular working shift, unless you make another arrangement with your employer. If three working days before the election you think you will need time off to vote, you must notify your employer at least two working days prior to the election.


(Tuesday, November 8)

 If you are scheduled to be at work during that time and you do not have sufficient time outside of working hours to vote at a statewide election, California law allows you to take up to two hours off to vote, without losing any pay. 

You may take as much time as you need to vote, but only two hours of that time will be paid. 


We Need YOUR Help!
To Fix the Way Discipline Works for Civilians in the Police Department

Currently, SEIU 1021 civilian, non-sworn members who work in OPD are subject to discipline through the Internal Affairs department.

This is wasteful and often unfair. Internal Affairs should be investigating sworn officers, not our members.

The City has agreed to work with us to reform and revise the Civilian Disciplinary Process: and we need your help to do it!

We’re looking for some volunteers to help us craft our proposals before we meet with the City. If you’re interested, or if you have questions, please ask:


Vote to choose your boss this November!

Most SEIU 1021 members are in the public sector, working for cities, counties, special districts, schools, courts, and other public entities. Since these entities are overseen by elected officials, it’s our job as union members to find and support officials who will support us, our work, and our priorities across Northern California. In Oakland, one such official is City Councilmember Nikki Fortunato Bas, who is running for re-election now. SEIU Local 1021 has endorsed her, and Felipe Cuevas, the City of Oakland chapter’s president, had this to say about her.


SEIU 1021 Shows Up to Support Sheng Thao for Oakland Mayor

Oakland is at a political crossroads, with long-time mayor Libby Schaaf not eligible to run again after serving two terms, and three City Council seats up for election in Districts 2, 4 and 6. District 4’s current representative Sheng Thao is running for Mayor, and she kicked off her campaign on Saturday with plenty of support from SEIU 1021.


Our Members Have Voted YES 
To Ratify Our Tentative Agreement with the City!

The votes were 96.7% yes. City Council will now vote to accept the contract at two sessions, as is required by law. Chapter president Felipe Cuevas said, “This contract is a big win for our members, who have showed up and sacrificed for their community throughout the pandemic. To win this contract this early in the process is a testament to the hard work our members have done at the bargaining table, in their worksites, and in the community, helping elect pro-worker candidates to City Council.”


We Have a Tentative Agreement With the City!
The 3-year contract includes COLAs of 14%. UPDATED TO INCLUDE FULL TA PACKET

To ensure our members get what they deserve as fast as possible, we will be holding our vote to ratify the new contract ASAP.

Voting will take place via email Monday, July 18 - Wednesday, July 20, and in person on Thursday, July 21:

  • 7101 Edgewater: 7 a.m. – 9 a.m.
  • 5050 Coliseum Way: 7 a.m. – 9 a.m.
  • 250 Frank Ogawa Plaza: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Full Details on the Contract Will Be Posted To This Website:




Contracts for IFPTE Local 21, SEIU 1021, IBEW 1245 and CMEA all expire on June 30th. Tell the City to settle our contract now!

The City of Oakland has over 700 unfilled jobs, impacting vital public services. In order to fully staff our city services, we need to attract and retain employees with fair and competitive wage increases. We deserve market equity adjustments, improvements to our telecommuting, COVID protections, protected benefits and an end to the abuse of so-called “temporary, part-time” workers.


City of Oakland Chapter Action Team Meeting
Via Zoom

Monday, June 13, 5:30 p.m.
Dial 1-669-900-6833
Enter Meeting ID: 839 0487 9078

Or Click:

Help us plan new actions and turn out people for an important City Council meeting on Thursday, June 16, at 10 a.m. to tell Council “We need to staff up Oakland NOW!”

This Council meeting will be a make-or- break moment for a strong contract with fair wages, improved medical benefits with a higher dental cap and no employee contributions.


SEIU 1021 Fights For Higher Wages and Safer Workplace Conditions, While the City Refuses to Budge

City of Oakland management countered our wage proposal with 3% per year for three years, which doesn’t even keep up with the rising cost of living. Our proposal on wages would keep up with the cost of living and help workers stay in the Bay Area.

Management rejected our proposal to increase the annual dental cap even though it hasn’t increased since 2002.

While doing nothing to combat favoritism in hiring, management maintains its proposals to gut civil service rules and merit hiring.


Final Election Results

Thank you for turning out to vote in our chapter election. We had a close, competitive election, and the Election Committee conducted a thorough recount, and no challenges were filed by Thursday, April 21, per our rules. The final election results are below.



Has COVID-19 Cost You Your Leave?
Tell Us Your Story!

SEIU 1021 members in the City of Oakland have shown up to work and shown out for the community throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of us have been forced to use our leave during the pandemic for many reasons: when working conditions were unsafe, or when our families needed us at home, or other reasons.

If you have lost leave during the pandemic, please tell your story below: your information will be kept strictly private and never shared without your permission. We are asking for this information so we can fight for better leave options from the City.


UPDATED City of Oakland Chapter Officer and Supplemental Bargaining Team Election Notice



Governed by SEIU Local 1021 Chapter Bylaws Template


Chapter Officer Positions Open for Election:

All Chapter Officers Shall Serve Two-year Terms (The term of office for these officers shall end March 31, 2024). The member running for office must have been a member in good standing for at least one (1) year and be employed within a bargaining unit represented by the Chapter.



Chapter Officer and Supplemental Bargaining Team Election Notice



Governed by SEIU Local 1021 Chapter Bylaws Template


Chapter Officer Positions Open for Election:

All Chapter Officers Shall Serve Two-year Terms (The term of office for these officers shall end March 31, 2024). The member running for office must have been a member in good standing for at least one (1) year and be employed within a bargaining unit represented by the Chapter.