SEIU 1021

SEIU 1021 members speak out against Oakland’s budget cuts


Budget cuts voted on by Oakland City Council members last week threaten jobs and city services.

These budget cuts will impact many of our fellow union members who work hard to keep the city as safe and clean as possible.

Not only will public safety be affected, layoffs and reassignment are expected for city workers including about 30 public works employees. 

“A lot of the things that we do it’s invisible because it works, but when things like the sewer system breaks down and backs up, then that’s us; those are the things we keep from happening,” said SEIU 1021 Cities Industry Chair Felipe Cuevas in an interview with NBC Bay Area.

Instead of putting vital programs at risk, the City should carefully examine the increase in wasteful spending over the years, like police overtime. 

It’s time we tell the City to cut waste, not services.