City of Oakland

SEIU 1021

City of Oakland

SEIU 1021 staff and member leaders are working hard to safeguard your health at work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Click here to find employer-specific information, details, and documents to learn more about what’s happening in your worksite during this outbreak.

Download the City of Oakland Memorandum of Understanding (2022 -2025)

Know Your Rights: Weingarten Rules

Chapter meetings are always the last Wednesday of the month.



Bargaining Update for Week of February 21, 2022

Bargaining Update

Your elected bargaining team has been working to schedule meetings with the City. The City was waiting for their new Employee Relations Manager to start work, which he was scheduled to do today, and we expect to have bargaining sessions scheduled quickly. In the meantime, please make sure to fill out your bargaining survey! You can fill it out online at the link below, or request a hard copy from a bargaining team member or field representative Julio Corral.


Know Your Rights to Stay Safe at Work

Section 13.3 of our contract with the City protects us against unsafe work. If there is an immediate risk to you, a co-worker, or the public, you may refuse to begin or continue a work assignment.

Section 13.3 of our contract with the City protects us against unsafe work. If there is an immediate risk to you, a co-worker, or the public, you may refuse to begin or continue a work assignment. If you feel that you are being told to do something unsafe, inclduing something that would expose you to the risk of contracting COVID-19, follow these steps:


City of Oakland Members Stick Together and Fight off an Attack on Their Rights

Oakland Chief Steward Dwight McElroy speaks at the Rally for Black Lives on June 13 in Oakland.

For years, the City of Oakland had a simple, common-sense approach to drug and alcohol use: if a worker was thought to be impaired at work or under the influence, they would be sent for testing. However, in recent years, some members of the City’s administration started to try to impose a new standard, with a long list of specific job classifications and reduced flexibility for departments. Worst of all, the testing under the new policy was a urine test that would show only the presence of cannabis in the worker’s system, not impairment.


City Vaccine Policy Negotiations Update

The City has recently announced that they intend to implement a new COVID-19 vaccine policy, with City workers required to submit their vaccination status and exemptions available for religious and medical reasons. This policy is a change in our working conditions, so the City is required to meet and confer with us over the changes. 

We have met three times so far with the City, and have more meetings on the schedule. There are still open issues and we are still meeting, but we wanted to make sure everyone was updated on what’s going on.

So far: 


1021 Members Stick Together and Notch Big Wins Across the East Bay

SEIU 1021 members rally outside Richmond's City Hall in support of a strong contract and city services.

In Richmond and Oakland, 1021 members have seen the power of unity pay off. Oakland’s Head Start program, which offers free early childhood education and family services to low-income residents, was scheduled to take big cuts, including closing three locations. Members and community partners spoke out against these cuts, and Oakland’s City Council voted to allocate money to keep the Franklin, Arroyo Viejo, and Tassafaronga sites open, without cuts or layoffs.


SEIU 1021 Members in the City of Oakland Speak Up for a Budget That Works for All Oaklanders

Yeon Park and Oakland Chapter President Felipe Cuevas rally in support of a real recovery for Oakland.

As Oakland’s City Council continues to work towards passing a balanced budget, SEIU 1021 members and other members of the community keep the pressure on.  The City’s Refund Coalition, a group that includes SEIU 1021 and other labor organizations along with many community groups, has been tireless in its advocacy for a budget that prioritizes the things Oaklanders really care about: investing in housing as a human right; public safety and public services; protections for frontline workers; and arts and culture funding.


The Votes Are In!
You Voted to Accept the Tentative Agreement!

After three days of voting, including an online option, we tallied more than 97% votes to accept our tentative agreement with the City.

We have notified the City of our decision, and the 3% COLA will take effect the first full pay period after July 1, 2021.

Thanks to all who helped us win this strong new contract, and those who helped us bring the vote to worksites across the city.


City of Oakland Workers Hit the Streets to Talk to Their Neighbors and Make a Difference

SEIU 1021 members and other community members get ready to hit the streets.

On Saturday, June 6, SEIU 1021 members joined community members in the Refund Oakland coalition to knock on doors and talk to their neighbors about a city budget that invests in our residents, our working families, and our frontline workers. This partnership between union members and community members has driven a change at City Hall in Oakland, as a newly elected City Council has pushed back against Mayor Libby Schaaf’s austerity budgets.


Show Up for the People’s Budget!
Come Out and Knock on Doors With Your Neighbors

"Big businesses need to start paying their fair share to fund services that make our economy strong and our city safe." -Juan, Public Works Staff with Keep Oakland Clean and Beautiful

Saturday, June 5
11 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Districts 2 & 4
Park Blvd Plaza
2100 Park BLVD

Districts 5, 6 & 7
Brookdale Park
2535 High St

Masks and social distancing will be required.
Download the PDI app to your cell phone.


The Agreement Came Because of Our Work with Our Union Coalition, Our Community, and Our City Council

Today, your elected Bargaining Team voted to accept a proposal from the City of Oakland.

The proposal is a one-year extension to our existing contract, with no takeaways, no reductions to healthcare, or changes to premiums, and an across-the-board 3% raise for all members, effective the first full pay period of July, 2021.


SEIU 1021 City of Oakland Chapter
Update for April 22, 2021

On Friday, April 23, our elected Bargaining Team will meet with representatives from the City to discuss the City’s proposed contract extension.

Our team is united that any extension must include a fair cost of living adjustment, which the City has so far not offered.

Show your support for the team by wearing your purple this Friday, and join our chapter meeting Wednesday, April 28, from 5 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. to find out more and get involved!


Know Your Rights

State Senator Nancy Skinner stands in front of Oakland's Fairyland.

 Covered Workers Are Now Eligible For Up to 80 Hours of NEW COVID-19 Leave

State Bill 95 was recently signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom. Under this law, covered workers are entitled to up to 80 hours of COVID-19 sick leave from January 1, 2021 to September 30, 2021. This leave must be granted immediately upon request. Retaliation and discrimination are strictly prohibited.
Leave can be taken if any of the following reasons prevent you from working (in person, or teleworking):


SEIU 1021 takes the lead in reimagining public safety by spearheading Oakland’s MACRO program and creating good, union jobs to respond to mental health emergencies

Public safety has many faces. To protect our community and improve conditions for our friends, family, and neighbors who are experiencing mental health issues, Oakland has taken a bold step by creating a new emergency response unit called the Mobile Assistance Community Responders of Oakland (MACRO). This unit will be made up of civilians with medical and mental health training, and these civilians will be SEIU 1021 members.