Cal Academy of Sciences

SEIU 1021

Cal Academy of Sciences members march on management, deliver petition demanding fair contract
Executive Director Scott Sampson refused to come out of the board meeting to accept the petition signed by over 70% of the bargaining unit.

Wednesday, February 19, about 60 members of SEIU 1021 at the Cal Academy of Sciences convened outside the museum at their lunch break. They marched together to the boardroom where the board of directors was meeting with upper management to deliver a petition for a fair first contract signed by over 70% of their bargaining unit to Executive Director Scott Sampson.


Workers from 8 Bay Area museums rally outside California Association of Museums Conference in SF, demanding collaboration & livable wages
In the face of mounting attacks from the highest levels of power, staff from the region’s most prominent museums are urging their directors to settle fair contracts and share power to save these institutions for future generations.

Workers from 8 Bay Area museums rally outside California Association of Museums Conference in SF, demanding collaboration & livable wages

Workers from museums from around the Bay Area — including Cal Academy of Sciences, Asian Art Museum, Exploratorium, de Young, Legion of Honor, SFMOMA, Oakland Museum of California, and Bay Area Discovery Museum — dressed for dinner and gathered outside the California Association of Museums Conference ahead of its Director’s Dinner on Wednesday, February 19. They are not directors and were not invited to the dinner — but they are nonetheless demanding their place at the proverbial table as partners.