SEIU 1021

Oakland City Council Passes Budget Without Job Cuts


The Oakland City Council voted in favor of the Mayor’s budget proposal on Tuesday, July 2 saving SEIU 1021 members from any immediate threat of job cuts. The days leading up to the vote grew contentious as city workers feared any changes that would force them to bear the brunt of a budget deficit. We packed the council chambers leading up to the vote and on the day of the vote to make sure council members understood opposition to that threat and the urgency to rely on the initial plans to supplement any deficit with the sale of the Coliseum. 

SEIU 1021 would like to thank councilmembers Nikki Fortunato Bas, Dan Kalb, Carroll Fife, Kevin Jenkins, and Rebecca Kaplan who voted in favor.

“City workers can breathe a sigh of relief that this budget approval saves us from any job cuts in the short term, we just hope that the City can continue to offer vital services to Oaklanders down the line,” said City of Oakland Chapter President and 911 Dispatcher Antionette Blue.  

SEIU 1021 is invested in making sure that Oaklanders continue to receive the services they deserve. The understanding is that the Coliseum sale will have to go through to make sure the City avoids drastic cuts to many people rely on.