Vacaville Unified School District

SEIU 1021

Vacaville Unified Schools members vote to ratify contract with supermajority ‘yes’ vote

On Wednesday, February 5, SEIU 1021 members at Vacaville Unified School District voted to ratify their new two-year contract with a nearly unanimous ‘yes’ vote.

Classified workers are encouraged that with this new contract, members will be safer on the job and receive the support they need to strengthen and maintain an environment for students and staff to thrive. Highlights in the contract include a $20 minimum wage, no cuts to healthcare, improved health and safety protections, and a one-time bonus.


Vacaville Unified School District Classified Staff Vote to Ratify Contract with Supermajority ‘Yes’ Vote


Contact: Chelsea Fink,, (510) 435-8282

VACAVILLE, CA -  On Wednesday, February 5, Vacaville Unified School District classified staff, including maintenance workers, nutrition workers, paraprofessionals, student supervision workers, custodians, clerical workers, and bus drivers voted to ratify their new two-year contract, with a nearly unanimous ‘yes’ vote.


Vacaville Unified School District classified workers and community allies rally for school safety ahead of school board meeting

Vacaville Unified School District classified workers and community allies rally for school safety ahead of school board meeting

On Thursday, January 16, SEIU 1021 members working at Vacaville Unified School District staged a spirited rally and picket outside the Vacaville Educational Services Center ahead of the evening’s school board meeting. The members, who work as paraprofessionals, nutrition workers, student supervision workers, custodians, clerical workers, bus drivers, and maintenance workers, were joined by community supporters.


Vacaville Unified School District classified professionals authorize strike, flood school board meeting
SEIU 1021 members speak out against harmful medical cuts and ongoing safety concerns

On December 19, over 60 SEIU 1021 members at Vacaville Unified School District attended the VUSD School Board meeting in a final effort to demand the board address the critical issues affecting workers and students. This fight has dragged on for months with little movement from the district. Last week, they voted by 90% to authorize a strike.


Classified workers stand firm in the fight for fair contracts at Vacaville Unified School District

Classified workers stand firm in the fight for fair contracts at Vacaville Unified School District

On October 24, SEIU Local 1021 classified workers at Vacaville Unified School District ignited a rallying cry after seven grueling months of contract negotiations. Over 50 members in purple gear asserted their demands for a fair contract that protects accessible healthcare coverage.

Their message was clear: The time for compromise is over, and they will not settle for anything less than the dignity and respect they deserve.


Classified workers at Vacaville Unified School District continue to show up, speak out
Amid bargaining frustrations, SEIU 1021 members refuse to settle for lowball offers

The fight for more staffing and a livable wage continues!

On Thursday, November 16, over 60 classified Vacaville Unified School District (VUSD) staff members again attended the Board of Trustees meeting to voice their ongoing concerns and frustrations with the District. This follows the November 2 action, where at least 60 members supported each other and shared their frustration with the lack of progress in bargaining due to the District’s ongoing refusal to raise wages above the bare minimum.


Public Budgets that Lift Up Public Programs and Working Families

As cities, counties, schools, and other public agencies finalize their budgets, workers who provide vital services are speaking out and ensuring that elected officials are prioritizing programs that put working families first.

At budget forums across city, Oakland workers are standing up to tell City Council members that homelessness, affordable housing, and cleaner, safer streets are priorities for everyone who lives and works in the city, and that these problems demand restored staffing and funding levels.