SEIU 1021

Vacaville Unified School District classified workers and community allies rally for school safety ahead of school board meeting

Vacaville Unified School District classified workers and community allies rally for school safety ahead of school board meeting

On Thursday, January 16, SEIU 1021 members working at Vacaville Unified School District staged a spirited rally and picket outside the Vacaville Educational Services Center ahead of the evening’s school board meeting. The members, who work as paraprofessionals, nutrition workers, student supervision workers, custodians, clerical workers, bus drivers, and maintenance workers, were joined by community supporters.

This united demonstration is a direct response to ongoing instances of physical violence endured by paraprofessionals and students within the Vacaville Unified School District (VUSD) and the school board’s failure to address these critical issues. VUSD classified staff are sending a clear message: The board’s dismissive attitude toward their safety concerns is pushing them to the brink of a strike.

Staff have overwhelmingly voted to authorize a strike, and nearly 200 classified workers registered for strike school Wednesday evening in preparation for the impending potential strike if an agreement isn’t reached quickly.

Classified workers have been in contract negotiations since March offering solutions, but safety issues continue to go unaddressed as management stalls and dismisses suggestions in the union’s proposal. A letter was even sent by management to SEIU paraprofessionals ordering them to continue working in unsafe conditions unless they “suffer the loss of limbs.”  

Check out the latest media coverage of the ongoing fight with VUSD in the Daily Republic.

Check out the latest media coverage of the ongoing fight with VUSD in the Vacaville Reporter.