
SEIU 1021


Looking for stories from our latest weekly SEIU 1021 Newswire? Here you go!


City of Berkeley members build unity and win for newer members

SEIU 1021 members in the City of Berkeley’s Clerical and Maintenance chapter have negotiated an important win for newer members in their last contract: Their contributions to California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) were to be reduced from 8% to 0% between 2022 and 2026. Longer-term employees did not have this deduction coming from their checks. 


Honoring the legacy of the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein & welcoming incoming Sen. Laphonza Butler
Statement from SEIU 1021 President Theresa Rutherford

September 29, 2023, marked the end of an era with the passing of Senator Dianne Feinstein. A trailblazer for women, she was the first woman president of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and the first woman mayor of San Francisco before becoming the first woman elected to the U.S. Senate from California. As a U.S. Senator, she was the first woman member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the first woman to chair the Senate Rules and Administration Committee, and the first woman to chair the Senate Intelligence Committee. 


SEIU 1021 members at San Francisco Unified Schools move closer to a strike as district violates labor law, fails to meet basic demands
Saturday morning found about 200 members gathered for strike school, the strike vote kickoff, and solidarity

On Saturday, September 30, about 200 SEIU 1021 members from San Francisco Unified School District showed up to cast their votes to authorize a potential strike as the district continues to fall short in negotiations.

Union members wore purple in solidarity, chanted, voted, participated in an informative strike school to better understand their rights as workers, asked questions, and enjoyed lunch together.


SEIU 1021 members at Asian Health Services win historic contract

SEIU 1021 members working for Asian Health Services (AHS) voted last week to approve a historic new three-year contract after eight months of tense negotiations.

“I am very happy about the COLA that we are getting,” said Apple Lo, a medical clinic technician at Asian Health Services. “The wage increase will solve the problem of retention and staffing issues we have been having for the past three or four years.” 


SEIU 1021 celebrates Oakland Pride

Last weekend, members of the Social and Economic Justice (SEJ) Committee and the Lavender Caucus showed up and out for Oakland Pride. The SEIU 1021 contingent marched down Broadway in the Pride Parade from Oakland City Hall to 20th Street. Another group of members held down the very popular SEIU 1021 Pride Booth, which drew hundreds of visitors.


Join the SEIU Climate Summit
Saturday, November 4, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Whether we’re at home or work, all of us need to deal with our changing climate. This year, we’ve had a hot, dry summer, floods, fires, and even hurricane-strength storms hitting Los Angeles. It’s time for union action!

As union members, we’ve seen the power we have to make changes at our workplaces, and we’ve felt the impact we can make politically. At the SEIU Climate Summit, we’ll build the skills and connections we’ll need for our 200,000 SEIU members across California to take decisive action to protect ourselves and the environment we all inhabit.


Marin Water staff protest proposed concessions at board of directors meeting

Tuesday, September 5, Marin Municipal Water District staff marched on the MMWD Board of Directors meeting in response to district management’s continuing demands for concessions on retiree healthcare for future employees, without compensating for the takeaways with commensurate increases to already subpar salaries.


Asian Health Services members gear up to strike Sept. 20

More than 300 SEIU 1021 members employed by Asian Health Services (AHS) are gearing up for an unfair labor practice (ULP) strike starting next Wednesday, September 20. 

The strike follows over seven grueling months of frequently delayed negotiations. AHS management has consistently failed to fully address their concerns or provide critical information, leading to multiple ULP charges.


HealthRIGHT 360 workers join rally to end overdoses at SF City Hall
The rally aimed to raise awareness of the overdose epidemic in SF--and how the renewed War on Drugs is killing people

Last Thursday, August 31, on International Overdose Awareness Day, over 100 advocates and community members rallied on the steps of San Francisco City Hall. They protested public policies that are failing to address the city’s overdose epidemic and advocated for real public health solutions. SEIU 1021 members from HealthRIGHT 360, a nonprofit organization providing integrated primary medical, mental health, and substance abuse care across California, joined the rally.


California State Controller Malia Cohen launches audit of Mendocino County

On Friday, September 1, California State Controller Malia Cohen launched an audit of Mendocino County’s financial records. The audit comes in response to a formal request from SEIU 1021 North Coast Regional Vice President Mary Sandberg, who wrote her to express concerns about the County’s inability to provide accurate financial data – a situation that has severely hindered labor negotiations between the County and its employees.


Clinic workers advocate for SB 525 at the state capitol

Last Tuesday, August 29, healthcare workers from across California rallied at the state capitol in downtown Sacramento. They were calling on lawmakers to support SB 525, a groundbreaking bill that would establish a $25 minimum hourly wage for healthcare professionals.

This wage would address staffing shortages by improving retention of existing healthcare workers and attracting new talent to the field. By pioneering this national wage standard, California hopes to set an example for the entire country.


Driverless cars threatening lives and livelihoods of workers across San Francisco

Blocking intersections, almost running over pedestrians, delaying an ambulance carrying a car accident victim to a hospital: Driverless cars are behind some of the latest issues San Francisco faces.

On August 10, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) approved resolutions granting additional operating authority for Cruise LLC and Waymo LLC to conduct commercial passenger service using driverless vehicles in San Francisco. The approval includes the ability for both companies to charge fares for rides at any time of day.


Mendocino County workers take fight against takeaways to the Board of Supervisors

Today, Tuesday, August 29, Mendocino County workers rallied at the Board of Supervisors meeting to defend county services. The rally comes after members voted last month by 92.4% to authorize a strike.

For the past five months, the county administration has refused to negotiate in good faith with its employees — all while staffing levels continue to hemorrhage. Fighting for the community’s access to road crews, public health nurses, children’s social workers, and other vital county services, County workers feel that the situation has become untenable.