SEIU 1021

Alameda Health System members vote 99.5% to strike!


After months of bargaining and numerous unfair labor practices from Alameda Health System management, SEIU 1021 members have voted overwhelmingly to authorize their bargaining team to call a strike. 99.5% voted to strike.

Veronica Palacios, who serves as the AHS chapter president, said, “Our members have spoken, and they’ve spoken loudly. We’re frontline healthcare workers, and we’re trying to serve our community. However, we have to deal with unfair labor practices from management every single day.

“It’s frustrating, and it’s sad, because this mistreatment and mismanagement is not new to us. It’s very disappointing, because the current board of trustees was brought in to make sure AHS was a better-run public health system, with good care for our patients and no unfair labor practices against our workers. Our members are organized and united to do whatever it takes to fix AHS, and this strike vote is just more proof of that.”

AHS management has engaged in unfair labor practices both at the bargaining table, failing to provide information about budgeting, turnover, and workplace violence; and in the workplace, routinely engaging in anti-union activities, including retaliation against union members, and discrimination against union activity. 

The members will be taking their case to the AHS Board of Trustees on Wednesday, meeting at 4 p.m. at Highland Hospital’s cafeteria before marching to the Board at 5 p.m. Click here to RSVP!