
SEIU 1021


Looking for stories from our latest weekly SEIU 1021 Newswire? Here you go!


Fast food workers secure $2.2 million in wage theft violations, vow to continue their fight back against corporate greed

While fast-food corporations like McDonald’s Corporation, Burger King Corporation, Jack in the Box, Inc., and others attempt to roll back the significant gains with the passage of 2022’s Assembly Bill 257 – the Fast Food Accountability and Standards Recovery Act, or the FAST Recovery Act for short, fast-food workers continue the fight for higher wages, safer workspaces, and a union.


SEIU 1021 members celebrate Oakland’s historic new mayor, Sheng Thao

Sheng Thao was inaugurated as Oakland’s mayor last week, and SEIU 1021 was on the scene. The former City Council member has been a familiar face at SEIU 1021 events including our recent holiday toy drive, and her term as mayor is an exciting moment for working people across the Bay Area and a tremendous opportunity for working people, with a pro-worker mayor of Oakland.


City of Berkeley workers are speaking up against understaffing

The City of Berkeley has, like most places, struggled with staffing throughout the pandemic. The need for core services provided by City workers and SEIU 1021 members has spiked, and pressing issues around working conditions, including telework options, adequate leave, and fair compensation, have made it difficult to fill the positions that fulfill those needs.


Gig workers continue the fight against the unconstitutional Proposition 22

In August 2021, the Alameda County Superior Court ruled that Proposition 22 violated the California Constitution. On December 13, the California Court of Appeals heard oral arguments in the gig corporations’ appeal of that ruling. Out in force were hundreds of gig workers, community supporters, allies, coalition partners, and public officials supporting workers’ rights.


SEIU 1021 honored with an Equity Award at the 20th annual human rights banquet from Human Agenda

On Saturday, December 10, SEIU Local 1021 was honored at the 20th Anniversary Human Rights Awards, receiving a 2022 Human Rights Award from the non-profit Human Agenda organization, which seeks to envision a world in which everyone’s needs are met, to create local institutions that are democratic, cooperative, egalitarian, sustainable, and kind, and to take individual responsibility for embodying the changes we want to see.


SEIU 1021 members welcome new Sacramento City Unified School District board members
The school board meeting on Dec. 15 was packed wall-to-wall with supportive union members

While packed school board meetings usually signal trouble brewing, the mood at the packed Sacramento City Unified School District Board of Education meeting last week was festive. SCUSD classified staff — SEIU 1021 members — and educators represented by Sacramento City Teachers Association (SCTA) filled the room to overflowing to celebrate the induction of three new board members they had knocked on thousands of doors to get elected.


SEIU 1021 and community allies unite to defeat SFPD’s killer robots proposal

Several weeks ago, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted to authorize the San Francisco Police Department to deploy remote-control robots that were capable of using deadly force against residents. SEIU 1021 activists, along with racial justice groups, civil rights and civil liberties organizations, LGBTQ organizations, and other unions, jumped into action to oppose this dangerous and scary policy.


Mendocino County Workers Ratify One-Year Contract with Plans to Hold County Accountable for Improved Process & Information Flow for Future Agreements
The new contract, which was approved by over 90% of voting members, includes a 2% cost-of-living adjustment and a one-time $3000 ARPA stipend, as well as larger improvements for certain severely understaffed classifications

SEIU Local 1021 members working for Mendocino County voted by over 90% last week to approve a new one-year contract with the County after almost nine months of contentious negotiations, during which county administration and the Board of Supervisors claimed repeatedly not to know or understand what was available to them in the budget.


SEIU 1021 joins Oakland Mayor-Elect Sheng Thao, IFPTE 21, Hayward USD and YMCA Head Start To Pack School Bus with Toys for Children In Need

***If you know anyone who may be in need of toys this holiday season: the children must be registered to receive a toy. Contact or call 510-388-2505. You can also learn more at***

On Thursday, December 8, Oakland Mayor-Elect Sheng Thao joined members and leaders of SEIU Local 1021, IFPTE Local 21, and community allies for our annual holiday toy drive kickoff celebration.


East Bay Unity Event: Let’s celebrate our hard work and successes!

Despite the hardships we’ve endured during the pandemic, we’ve experienced many significant union wins here at SEIU 1021.

If you work in the East Bay, please join your union siblings for a unity party on Thurs., Dec. 15, from 5:30 – 9:30 PM, at Oakland Asian Cultural Center, 388 9th St., Suite 290, Oakland.

We will have a buffet dinner 5:30-7:00 PM, and our party with prizes, awards, special guests, and a DJ will be from 7:00-9:30 PM.


Staff at Mills College at Northeastern unanimously ratify first contract
Mills adjunct faculty also unanimously ratify new contract with Northeastern

Over two and a half years after voting by 95% to form their union with SEIU 1021, Mills College staff have voted unanimously to ratify their first union contract. In line with their priorities in negotiations, the agreement will provide meaningful improvements for the lowest-paid employees, including bumping the part-time minimum wage from $15 to $17 an hour and establishing a minimum wage of $23.15 an hour for full-time employees — for whom there has not been a minimum wage up until now.


SEIU 1021 welcomes Oakland’s next mayor, Sheng Thao

Wednesday, November 23, SEIU 1021 joined many Oakland residents at City Hall to welcome Sheng Thao as Oakland’s next mayor. Thao is a longtime friend of working people, having served on Oakland City Council for District 4 since 2018 and as City Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan’s chief of staff before that.


Low-wage and part-time workers win big with Berkeley’s Fair Work Week Ordinance

On Monday, November 21, 2022, the Berkeley City Council passed an ordinance from Vice Mayor Kate Harrison and the Labor Commission to protect and compensate low-wage and part-time workers at some of Berkeley’s largest employers. The Fair Work Week Ordinance reduces the mental and physical strain of last-minute schedule changes and extreme back-to-back shifts. It requires covered employers to offer part-time workers additional hours before hiring new part-time staff.


SEIU 1021 members help elect Sheng Thao as the next Mayor of Oakland

The dust has settled, and Sheng Thao will be the next Mayor of Oakland. From the moment she announced her candidacy, SEIU 1021 members have been on the front lines doing the work to talk to voters and support her candidacy. 

If you’ve been to an SEIU 1021 rally, protest, or picket line in Oakland in recent years, there’s a good chance you saw Sheng Thao there too, standing with us.


SEIU 1021 Lavender Solidarity Committee Stands in Solidarity with LGBTQ Community of Colorado Springs

Club Q, one of only two LGBTQ nightclubs in Colorado Springs, was known as a safe space where members of the local LGBTQ community could let loose and be themselves while dancing the night away. Saturday, in a devastating echo of the Pulse Nightclub tragedy of 2016, that safety was shattered by yet another heavily armed young man with a history of making bomb threats. Five beautiful, promising lives were violently stolen, at least 17 others injured, and irreparable trauma was inflicted upon everyone who was at Club Q that night and all of their loved ones.