
SEIU 1021


Looking for stories from our latest weekly SEIU 1021 Newswire? Here you go!


Starbucks workers coast to coast wage major protest day before annual shareholder meeting as pressure mounts over company’s illegal union busting

The eve of Starbucks’ annual shareholder meeting, the company’s workers held actions across the country, including Berkeley, Santa Clara, Mill Valley, El Dorado Hills, San Pablo, and more across Northern California. They are demanding fundamental rights like livable wages, consistent scheduling, safe and respectful workplaces, and the right to organize free from fear and intimidation.


After more than two decades of public service, SEIU 1021 staff member Ariana Casanova prepares for the next step as a candidate for the Alameda County Board of Supervisors

After the tragic passing of longtime Alameda County District 2 Supervisor Richard Valle, the Board has had a vacancy. The County needs a new champion for working families. Valle himself made his own wishes clear before his death: He wanted his successor to be long-time SEIU 1021 political organizer Ariana Casanova.


Strong leaders build strong unions!
Alta California Regional Center chapter swears in 17 new stewards

When union members step into leadership roles, good things happen! Recently, chapter members of Alta California Regional Center, an organization that provides services and support to individuals with disabilities across Northern California, put worker power into action. On March 22, during their general membership meeting, the chapter swore in 17 members as stewards.

Strong leadership is crucial to building a robust union on all levels. And with so many members at Alta in steward roles now, their fellow members will be even better represented.


Speak out against toxic soot!
Sign up for SEIU's Climate Summit on April 15

Speak out against toxic soot!

Soot is a terrible burden on our most vulnerable members of our community: children, elders, and those already living with chronic illness. Soot is a particular issue for working-class and Black and brown families across the country, and we need the EPA to step up and do its job to enact the strongest possible standards to limit soot pollution.


Gig workers continue the fight after the California First District Court of Appeal decision on Proposition 22 lawsuit

Voters approved Proposition 22 over two years ago after app-based ride-hailing and delivery companies, including Uber, Lyft, Instacart, and DoorDash, spent more than $200 million marketing the ballot initiative to Californians as a boon to workers and customers. Despite the promise of flexible schedules, some worker benefits, and low prices, drivers are no better off than before—it has only allowed these companies to deprive them of a living wage, access to workers compensation, paid sick leave, and meaningful healthcare coverage while maximizing their own profits.


Starbucks workers across U.S. to tell CEO Howard Schultz: “Union busting is disgusting!”

What do you do when the bosses throw parties to celebrate themselves? Starbucks workers in Seattle have an answer: Crash that party and make it your own. Starbucks Corporation is hosting a “Founders Day” event on Wednesday, March 22, in Seattle, Washington, to celebrate CEO Howard Schultz. Union members and supporters plan to be there as well for a party of their own that celebrates the real founders of Starbucks and its erstwhile progressive values: the workers.


As Alameda County’s staffing crisis continues, county workers march on the Board of Supervisors to demand a solution

To protest Alameda County administration’s failure to act urgently to fill its 2,611 vacant positions – nearly 25% of the entire County workforce – more than 100 County workers marched on the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, March 14, at noon. Workers from SEIU 1021, IFPTE Local 21, and IBT 856 all took the chambers, chanting “Staff up!  Alameda County!” for several minutes before workers delivered powerful testimony to the board.


Over 500 Sonoma County workers rally as contract expires
A settlement for 2300 County workers remains distant as County administration refuses to take adequate measures to address retention and recruitment

Over 500 SEIU 1021 members working for Sonoma County braved the rain and cold to rally outside and inside the county administration building as the Board of Supervisors met last Tuesday, February 28, as their contract expired with the County still insisting on takeaways that would completely absorb or even eclipse the cost of living adjustment for many workers.


SEIU 1021 members are holding big fast food corporations accountable for worker health and safety

As every union member knows, it can take a lot of effort to hold an employer accountable for the health and safety of its workers. That’s why, as part of the Fight for 15 and a Union coalition, SEIU 1021 members are pushing hard for lawmakers to pass AB 1228, a bill that would make large fast food corporations like McDonald’s liable for their California franchisees’ health and safety violations. The law would apply to fast food chains in California with at least a hundred locations across the United States.


Without women in labor, we would not have Women’s History Month or International Women’s Day

The month of March is Women’s History Month. The month-long observance traces its beginnings back to Northern California, the jurisdiction of SEIU Local 1021, and to the first International Women’s Day, held on March 8, 1911. Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day highlight women’s social, economic, cultural, and political achievements to events in history and contemporary society.


U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra visits Laguna Honda Hospital

At the request of SEIU 1021 President Theresa Rutherford, United States Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra visited Laguna Honda Hospital to meet with SEIU 1021 members, members of other labor unions representing hospital workers, and Laguna Honda patients last Friday, February 24, 2023.

Secretary Becerra met the workers who keep Laguna Honda Hospital running and signaled his commitment to saving Laguna Honda from closure, but the hard work to recertify has to be done. 


SFUSD classified staff protest short-staffing & low wages at school board in rally with educators
Severe short-staffing has SFUSD classified workers like custodians, nutrition service workers, and clerical staff carrying unsustainable workloads. Low wages, poor working conditions, and ongoing payroll problems underlie the crisis.

Over a hundred San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) classified employees, fed up with deteriorating working conditions for paychecks that have not kept pace with inflation, braved frigid winds to march and rally with hundreds of educators ahead of the school board meeting last Tuesday, Feb. 21.


Hayward USD classified staff rally for healthcare at school board
Currently, HUSD staff receive no healthcare benefits – an untenable situation that is exacerbating a staffing crisis and causing significant hardship

Even after a multi-year pandemic that has claimed millions of lives and that shut down schools for many months, Hayward Unified School District (HUSD) staff still have no healthcare benefits. Around 100 SEIU 1021 members at HUSD joined with members of AEOTE, the other union representing some classified staff in the district, for a spirited rally at the school board last Wednesday, February 15, to call attention to the need for healthcare benefits to compete in today’s tight labor market.


Breaking barriers: the legacy of Johnnie Lacy
By the SEIU Local 1021 Workers with Disabilities Committee

Johnnie Lacy was a trailblazer in the disability rights movement, and her contributions have had a lasting impact on the lives of people with disabilities. Her advocacy efforts helped raise awareness about the challenges faced by people with disabilities and paved the way for greater inclusion and accessibility. Her legacy inspires future generations of activists and advocates to fight for a more just and equitable society for all.


Hundreds of Alameda County workers and community members picket to say “STAFF UP NOW!”

On Monday, February 13, hundreds of Alameda County workers and community members rallied at Lake Merritt Amphitheater to protest the county’s nearly 25% vacancy rate, with 2,611 unfilled positions.

The rally started with a moment of silence for Richard Valle, a longtime champion of labor and progressive causes across the East Bay, who recently passed away. The workers planted flags to represent the 2,611 vacancies, and marched to 1221 Oak St. to deliver a letter demanding the Board of Supervisors solve the staffing crisis.


Sonoma County Workers Rally at Board of Supervisors to Demand Action to Address Severe Staffing Crisis
Short staffing is jeopardizing critical public services and endangering residents – and frustrated county workers are speaking up.

Sonoma County is experiencing an unprecedented staffing crisis that is leaving residents in a lurch, particularly the county’s most vulnerable. After the strain of multiple fires, floods, and the pandemic, on top of pay that has not kept pace with inflation, employees are leaving the County at alarming rates to find more sustainable employment elsewhere. Those who remain are struggling under an ever-increasing workload – and county residents are paying the price.