
SEIU 1021

3/20/25 San Francisco Regional Meeting RSVP
Join us for updates & organize to WIN!

The SF Labor Council Public Employees Committee met with Mayor Lurie late last month, and we have updates. 

Calling all San Francisco city and nonprofit workers to join us to organize! We’re strategizing on what we can do as a union to protect our jobs, our hard-fought contract, and the communities and residents we serve. Mark your calendar for Thursday, March 20, at 5:30 p.m. 

Meeting is in-person at the SF union hall, 350 Rhode Island St., Suite 100. Dinner will be served.


Workers from 8 Bay Area museums rally outside California Association of Museums Conference in SF, demanding collaboration & livable wages
In the face of mounting attacks from the highest levels of power, staff from the region’s most prominent museums are urging their directors to settle fair contracts and share power to save these institutions for future generations.

Workers from 8 Bay Area museums rally outside California Association of Museums Conference in SF, demanding collaboration & livable wages

Workers from museums from around the Bay Area — including Cal Academy of Sciences, Asian Art Museum, Exploratorium, de Young, Legion of Honor, SFMOMA, Oakland Museum of California, and Bay Area Discovery Museum — dressed for dinner and gathered outside the California Association of Museums Conference ahead of its Director’s Dinner on Wednesday, February 19. They are not directors and were not invited to the dinner — but they are nonetheless demanding their place at the proverbial table as partners.


SEIU 1021 members at Exploratorium ratify new contract with gains, new protections
Members voted by 97% to ratify

With strong member turnout, SEIU 1021 members at the Exploratorium museum in San Francisco voted by 97% last week to ratify their tentative agreement. Highlights include a 9.3% cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) over the three-year life of the contract; an increase in the minimum wage for SEIU 1021 bargaining unit workers; new recall rights for laid-off employees; and new protections around AI.


San Francisco Region 2024 Convention Delegate Election Information

It’s that time again! SEIU 1021 members are invited to attend our 2024 member convention. The two-day event will feature inspiring workshops, delegate discussions, visionary keynote speakers, fun, and networking. The SEIU 1021 Member Convention will be held Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024, through Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. 

What: SEIU Local 1021 Member Convention 2024

When: Saturday, September 28 & Sunday, September 29

Where: Sacramento, CA 


WAITLIST: San Francisco Unity Event – Jan. 26, 2024
Join us to celebrate our hard work together in 2023

It’s that time of year! Join your fellow San Francisco region SEIU 1021 members for food, drinks, music and dancing, raffles, awards, and gift bags with the coolest SEIU 1021 swag (supplies are limited–first come, first served). 

When: Friday, Jan. 26, 2024, 6-10 p.m.
Where: Hilton Union Square, 333 O’Farrell St.

Members may bring one guest — please indicate below if you plan to bring a guest, as attendance is capped at 400.


Exploratorium workers showcase their collective power in their fight for a new contract

Congratulations to Exploratorium members who recently ratified a new contract! Management opened negotiations by giving a presentation projecting a five to seven million dollar deficit, but members made it clear that they won’t let the boss balance the budget on their backs.

They instead got organized and brought the fight from the bargaining table to the shop floor to showcase their unity — and it paid off.