SEIU 1021

Exploratorium Tentative Agreement Highlights & Ratification Schedule
We won a TA! Here's what's in it.


Your elected union bargaining team reached a tentative agreement with the Exploratorium management on Monday July 1, 2024. The bargaining team has voted to recommend this agreement to you for ratification.


The Exploratorium is projecting a budget deficit of almost $12 million in the next two years, and a lot of the federal covid stimulus money is gone. It was a difficult time to be negotiating, but thanks to the unity of our membership, and in particular our willingness to show up at the kickoff on May 21 in Kanbar Forum, all of our post-it notes, stickers, purple days, straw poll to strike, and our direct-action rally on the bridge and out to the Bucky Ball, we were able to apply the pressure needed to win a strong 3-year contract with no takeaways that helps us keep up with inflation while addressing our concerns around raising the wage floor and strengthening our union.


Cost of living adjustment (COLA) increases:

  • 9.3% over 3 years

    • July 1, 2024: 3.1%
    • July 1, 2025: 3.1%
    • July 1, 2026: 3.1%
  • Effective July 1, 2024, a grade 9 minimum wage for all bargaining unit members. This will represent an immediate raise of over 5% for the lowest paid SEIU 1021members.
  • Visitor Engagement Facilitator: VEF is now grade 9 base wage with an additional step increase, up until step 6.

Stronger contract language around:


  • Laid off employees have recall rights of 1 year and return to the same salary step
  • Shore up the Weingarten Right as it relates to the 48-hour Exploratorium rule to ensure all members have representation
  • Removal of counseling from the steps of progressive discipline


  • Fixed-term employees receive reasonable advance notice of contract extensions 
  • Annual fixed-term reports presented to the union that identify trends
  • Notification of any proposed policy regarding the use of AI affecting working conditions

Union Power

  • Release of 3 frontline staff to attend the all-unit union meetings
  • Commitment to make staff meetings accessible to frontline staff


We will vote on the tentative agreement in person from July 16-18. Only SEIU 1021 members can attend union meetings or vote on the agreement. If you have coworkers who would like to vote but are not yet members, please have them sign up at or in person at one of the ratification votes below.

  • Tuesday, July 16  — 10 a.m. -12 p.m.   and 3 p.m. – 5 p.m., breakroom – TA Information Hour 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
  • Wednesday, July 17 — 10 a.m. – 3 p.m., Kanbar Forum – TA Information Hour 12-1p.m. (all-unit meeting)
  • Thursday, July 18 — 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 3 p.m. – 5 p.m., breakroom – TA Information Hour 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.