Contra Costa County
March Chapter Meeting (Rank & File)
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SEIU 1021 Contra Costa County
Rank & File Chapter Meeting
March 21, 2024
6:30 p.m.
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Workers in Contra Costa County form a Coalition and Win Big Together!
Workers in nine Contra Costa County unions recently formed a coalition to bargain a new contract with the County. The goal was a fair contract and a solution to the understaffing crisis that left workers burnt out and overworked and left the County unable to deliver valuable services to its residents.
It’s Official!
We Have a New Contract
On Tuesday, August 16, the Board of Supervisors unanimously voted
to approve our contract! Because ratification and the
Board’s approval were both completed in
August, raises will be retroactive through August
You can view
the Board’s agenda from the meeting yesterday, which includes the
resolution on our contracts by clicking here.
The Votes Are In!
More Than 90% of Votes Said "YES: I Accept the Tentative Agreement!"
Our members have voted and the results are in: we have voted to accept our tentative agreement! We have notified the County and will have more details to share next week, so stay tuned!
We Have a Tentative Agreement!
We have come to a tentative agreement (TA) at the 1021 bargaining table, after last week’s TA at the Coalition table.
We will now vote on the TA, from
Wednesday, August 10 through Friday,
August 12.
Voting will take place via email: please
update your personal email address before August
8 by emailing at
SEIU bargaining update: Please update your email by August 8th
Update your personal email in preparation to vote on your contract. We will be conducting an electronic ratification vote and need an accurate personal email so your ballot can be emailed to you. Please update your personal email by Monday, August 8th by 5pm to prepare for a possible expedited ratification vote. Email at or scan the QR Code with your smartphone camera.
Not a member? Sign up as a member here: Only union members can vote on the contract.
Bargaining Update
RSVP for Union Coalition Meetings and Strike School!
Our Union Coalition Bargaining Team (9 Unions representing 6,200 + County employees) met with the County management team the morning of Wednesday, July 6th. The Coalition made a counter proposal on a 4 year contract with a 4.5% COLA in the 4th year bringing the Coalition’s General Wage Increase Proposal to 21.5% over 4 years (7-5-5-4.5). as well as other substantial changes to persuade the County team toward a fair agreement.
Union Coalition Meetings and Strike School
The County’s contract offers aren’t working for working people. Come to our coalition meetings to find out how you can get involved so we can get what we deserve.
Worksite Meetings
Agenda for all meetings:
- Bargaining Update
- Strike Readiness
- Strike School
RSVP for the meeting that works for your
From Oakland to Martinez, East Bay working people are on the march against understaffing!
Last Tuesday, June 21, SEIU 1021 members joined a nine-union coalition to rally outside Contra Costa County’s Board of Supervisors meeting to demand the supervisors take immediate action to fix a long-running understaffing crisis.
Hundreds of Union Members Will Rally for Contra Costa County Services
Join us on Tuesday, June 21 at noon!
Contra Costa County workers have dealt with an epidemic of understaffing for far too long. That’s why a huge union coalition of nine unions—representing more than 6,200 County workers—has rallied across the county’s worksites for weeks to call attention to the staffing crisis and force the Board of Supervisors to take action.
The County Says We’re Not a Priority
It's Time to Change That
Our Union Coalition Bargaining Team, representing 9 Unions and 6000 + County employees, met with the County management team the morning of Friday May 13th. The County’s negotiators continue to keep an outrageous proposal on the table, a “poison pill” proposal that will take money away from our general wage increases if we bargain over anything economic at our local union bargaining table. The County only moved 1% in wage increases in the last year of the contract from 3% to 4%. They did offer a one-time $2,000.00 pandemic relief payment, but it was unclear who would receive it.
Keep Showing Up for a Fair Contract!
SEIU Local 1021 Contra Costa County Bargaining Update
After meeting twice with County management as part of our union coalition, the County has not yet offered an acceptable economic proposal. To solve our staffing crisis, and to be fair to our dedicated County workers, we must receive a wage proposal that puts us well ahead of skyrocketing inflation and keeps us competitive with other Bay Area employers!
To show the County that we mean business, we will be holding a dozen rallies over the next few weeks: check out the schedule and RSVP at the following link (or scan the QR code with your smartphone camera):
Contra Costa County workers march on Board of Supervisors to fight understaffing
On Tuesday, April 26, 2202, Contra Costa County workers urged the Board of Supervisors to address Contra Costa’s staffing crisis, as hundreds of workers marched to the Board of Supervisors Administration Building during the regularly scheduled Board meeting. The march included workers who staff the public hospital, clinics, and COVID test sites and workers who maintain the County’s streets, safeguard the environment, and keep the libraries and courts open.
Contra Costa County Rank and File Chapter: Notice of 2019 Chapter Officer Elections
Per SEIU 1021 Contra Costa County Rank and File Chapter Bylaws, notice is hereby given of an election for Chapter Officers.
All Chapter Officers shall serve two-year terms. The term of office for these officers shall end March 31, 2021. The member running for office must have been a member in good standing for at least one (1) year and be employed within a bargaining unit represented by the Chapter.
Chapter Officer Positions Open for Election
Contra Costa County Service Line Supervisors Chapter: Notice of 2019 Chapter Officer Elections
Chapter Officer Nominations / Election
Per SEIU 1021 Contra Costa County Service Line Supervisors Chapter Bylaws, notice is hereby given of an election for Chapter Officers.
All Chapter Officers shall serve two-year terms. The term of office for these officers shall end March 31, 2021. The member running for office must have been a member in good standing for at least one (1) year and be employed within a bargaining unit represented by the Chapter.
Stopping Runaway Healthcare Costs in Contra Costa County
Three months ago, SEIU 1021 members joined a 9-union coalition to
negotiate with Contra Costa County and put an end to runaway
healthcare costs. The campaign used strength in numbers to win a
new contract with guarantees for a fairer healthcare
cost-share with the County, increased wages for the next three
years, a seat at the table with the County and health plan
providers to keep premium increases in check, and much more.
We Won’t Be Divided by Billionaire Bullies
Bay Area Elected Leaders Pledge Support for Working Families Against Billionaire-Backed Assault
Contra Costa Mosquito & Vector District Chapter Elects & Certifies First Convention Delegates
The Contra Costa Mosquito & Vector District Chapter is the first chapter to elect and certify their convention delegates.
Vector Control Inspector Joe Cleope was elected to be a delegate along with his co-worker Jason Descans. Danielle Wisniewski was elected to serve as an alternate delegate.