Alameda Health System

SEIU 1021

Alameda Health System

SEIU 1021 staff and member leaders are working hard to safeguard your health at work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Click here to find employer-specific information, details, and documents to learn more about what’s happening in your worksite during this outbreak.

Memoranda of Understanding

Registered Nurses Unit - Effective April 1, 2020 - May 31, 2024

Tentative Agreements

(These tentative agreements have been voted on and ratified to become part of the MOU)

Registered Nurses – Tentative Agreements


Alameda Health System members vote 99.5% to strike!

After months of bargaining and numerous unfair labor practices from Alameda Health System management, SEIU 1021 members have voted overwhelmingly to authorize their bargaining team to call a strike. 99.5% voted to strike.

Veronica Palacios, who serves as the AHS chapter president, said, “Our members have spoken, and they’ve spoken loudly. We’re frontline healthcare workers, and we’re trying to serve our community. However, we have to deal with unfair labor practices from management every single day.


Alameda Health System workers to rally for safety

As SEIU 1021 workers at Alameda Health System continue bargaining a new contract, they’re calling attention to the violence and unsafe conditions so many of them are subjected to.

They’ll be rallying on Wednesday, March 20, at noon at John George Psychiatric Hospital to say “no more!” All SEIU 1021 members are welcome to come show support and solidarity, and can RSVP with the Member Resource Center by calling 877-687-1021.


Alameda Health System workers picket outside Highland Hospital to demand safe staffing and an end to “heartbreaking” mismanagement
“The situation across Alameda Health System is breaking my heart right now.”

On Wednesday, February 14, hundreds of Alameda Health System workers picketed outside Oakland’s Highland Hospital to protest the chronic understaffing problem that’s leading to unsafe working conditions and compromised patient care. The spirited rally included workers from emergency room nurses to environmental health workers and featured a group of dressed-up cupids. 


Know your rights under SB1334

Last year, after campaigning and lobbying from SEIU 1021 nurses, the California legislature passed SB1334, which took effect on January 1, 2023. This bill is intended to help ensure that healthcare workers in public sector workplaces receive adequate meal and rest breaks during their shifts.


When Tragedy Strikes, SEIU 1021 Members Must Stick Together
A Message from SEIU 1021 President Theresa Rutherford

Dear SEIU 1021 Member:
Last week a difficult week for Alameda Health System, as two workers there passed away: Maria Tran, a psychiatric nurse at John George, and Dr. Jing Mai, a physician resident intern at Highland. These untimely deaths are terribly sad, and while we may never fully understand why tragedies like these occur, we know the effects will be felt in our workplaces and in our communities for a long time.


SEIU 1021 members at John George Psychiatric Hospital say: “NOT ONE MORE ASSAULT”

John George Psychiatric Hospital is Alameda County’s only emergency mental health care facility, where patients experiencing mental health issues can be treated. Unfortunately, understaffing and mismanagement have put John George in a crisis situation, in which nearly 250 assaults have taken place recently, with patients and workers alike the victims of violence.