Laguna Honda Hospital (Healthcare)

SEIU 1021

We fought and we won a temporary suspension of patient transfers at Laguna Honda

The situation regarding Laguna Honda Hospital’s certification status with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has been stressful for us all—patients, staff, and community members alike. After notice had been given that CMS was going to be terminating their Medicare and Medicaid funding, the hospital was required to begin transferring patients. If the hospital failed to begin those transfers right away, they were told their funding would be cut off immediately.


We’re going to fight like hell to save Laguna Honda Hospital

Recently, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS), who provide the vast majority of our funding, have conducted site visits and an investigation into a number of on-site infractions. As a result, the hospital is required to implement a Closure and Patient Transfer and Relocation Plan while we all continue to work towards recertification.