Laguna Honda Hospital

SEIU 1021

Laguna Honda Hospital

SEIU 1021 staff and member leaders are working hard to safeguard your health at work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Click here to find employer-specific information, details, and documents to learn more about what’s happening in your worksite during this outbreak.

Download the Memorandum of Understanding for San Francisco RN’s (2022-2024)

Download the Memorandum of Understanding for San Francisco RN’s (2019-2022)


Download the Assignment Despite Objection Form
Download the Assignment Despite Objection Form for Jail and Health Services RNs


SFDPH nurses, SFMTA Service Critical workers ratify contracts with big improvements
By 86% and 95% margins respectively, the last two SEIU 1021 San Francisco City & County bargaining units have locked in gains despite challenging budget

The threat of a widespread San Francisco city worker strike is officially over: Large supermajorities of members of SEIU 1021, the union representing over 16,000 city workers, have voted to ratify agreements reached with the City and County across three collective bargaining units. 


San Francisco Region 2024 Convention Delegate Election Information

It’s that time again! SEIU 1021 members are invited to attend our 2024 member convention. The two-day event will feature inspiring workshops, delegate discussions, visionary keynote speakers, fun, and networking. The SEIU 1021 Member Convention will be held Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024, through Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. 

What: SEIU Local 1021 Member Convention 2024

When: Saturday, September 28 & Sunday, September 29

Where: Sacramento, CA 


Nurses at SF public hospitals & community clinics vote by 99.5% to authorize a strike — then win tentative agreement within days

Registered nurses from across San Francisco Department of Public Health gathered at their union hall on May 17 to count ballots that asked members whether to allow their contract negotiations team to authorize the bargaining team to call a strike. The results: A 99.5% landslide in favor. 

That’s because SFDPH management had refused to take meaningful action to address chronic staffing undermining patient care.


SFDPH RN Strike Authorization Vote Schedule

SFDPH management has rejected ALL of our staffing and wage proposals and is refusing to negotiate seriously on our top priorities: safe staffing, competitive wages, and contract enforcement. 

As a result, the bargaining team is coming to you, the membership, to ask for authorization to call for a strike in the event that the City does not change its tune and decide to negotiate a fair contract with us that will address our priorities to protect and improve patient care and RN working conditions.


San Francisco Department of Public Health Nurses to Vote Next Week to Authorize Strike
RNs at San Francisco’s public hospitals and community clinics say they need more than praise or pizza parties for National Nurses Week–they need safe staffing. 


Contact: Jennie Smith-Camejo,, (510) 710-0201; Ella Sogomonian,, (415) 686-5075

As National Nurses Week winds down, registered nurses and other frontline staff gathered outside Laguna Honda Hospital on Thursday afternoon. Even as they celebrated the critical role nurses and staff played in keeping the hospital open and moving it toward recertification with CMS, speakers struck a somber note – and a warning to SFDPH.


SF RNs storm health commission meeting demanding safe staffing

Registered nurses with San Francisco General Hospital (SFGH), Laguna Honda Hospital, and SF’s community clinics say tension is high, risk is up, and morale is low. They rallied outside of SFGH on April 23 against unsafe working conditions then boarded a bus to storm the SFDPH Health Commission meeting. They delivered 2,000 “assignment despite objection” forms documenting how short staffing is leading to serious risk to both patients and hospital workers. 


Nurses rally for safe staffing at San Francisco’s public hospitals

Hospital workers from both SF General and Laguna Honda with SEIU1021 took to the front steps of the city’s only level 1 trauma center on Tuesday, April 4, to demand safer working conditions for all.

Nurses are often short staffed and find themselves traumatized while outnumbered. Some have to defend themselves from attacks by unruly patients while doing their best to provide care.


City & County of SF members: Join us for Strike School on Wed., March 13, at 5:30 p.m.
For us to win a contract that addresses our biggest problems, the City needs to know we're serious & ready to do whatever it takes.

San Francisco City and County workers HAVE THE RIGHT TO STRIKE, as affirmed by the California Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) last summer.

A strike is a big deal. It’s the most important tool in the union toolbox. It’s also the last resort when the employer is breaking labor laws and workplace issues cannot be successfully resolved through usual channels like contract negotiations and grievance procedures.

Join us Wednesday, March 13, at 5:30 p.m. at Sydney Goldstein Theater, 275 Hayes St., SF for Strike School. You’ll learn:


Join the RN Contract Action Team!
Sign up below for more information and/or to join the CAT to help win a great contract for SF RNs.

Winning a strong contract that improves retention, recruitment, our working conditions, and our patients’ conditions happens at the workplace, not at the bargaining table. Everyone can and should play a role!

The RN Contract Action Team (CAT) plays a crucial role supporting your bargaining team. CAT members distribute flyers at their worksites, talk to their coworkers about what’s happening in bargaining and how they can support, mobilize coworkers to show up to rallies and meetings where the City makes decisions affecting us, and more.

Sign up here.


WAITLIST: San Francisco Unity Event – Jan. 26, 2024
Join us to celebrate our hard work together in 2023

It’s that time of year! Join your fellow San Francisco region SEIU 1021 members for food, drinks, music and dancing, raffles, awards, and gift bags with the coolest SEIU 1021 swag (supplies are limited–first come, first served). 

When: Friday, Jan. 26, 2024, 6-10 p.m.
Where: Hilton Union Square, 333 O’Farrell St.

Members may bring one guest — please indicate below if you plan to bring a guest, as attendance is capped at 400.


Know your rights under SB1334

Last year, after campaigning and lobbying from SEIU 1021 nurses, the California legislature passed SB1334, which took effect on January 1, 2023. This bill is intended to help ensure that healthcare workers in public sector workplaces receive adequate meal and rest breaks during their shifts.