Issues & Legislation

SEIU 1021

Federal Court Sides with Workers and Immigrants in Legal Action Against Trump Threat to Withhold Funding
Executive Order To Withhold Funding From "Sanctuary Cities" Ruled Unconstitutional

Last week, a federal court ruled that President Trump’s Executive Order threatening to withhold funding from “sanctuary cities” is unconstitutional. The City of San Francisco filed a lawsuit against the Executive Order and SEIU 1021 members filed a formal brief in support of the lawsuit.


SEIU California Ballot Measure Endorsements:
To Increase Affordable Housing Opportunities, Members Say: YES on 2 and 10 and NO on 5

The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) in California today announced its positions on ballot measures for the November 2018 General Election. The 700,000 member organization of California’s working people took the following positions:

Proposition 2:  YES

Proposition 5:    NO

Proposition 6:    NO

Proposition 8:    YES

Proposition 9:    NO

Proposition 10:  YES

Proposition 11:  NO


SEIU California Endorses Four Congressional Candidates Ready to Stand Up for American Values, Keep Families Together
California Families Deserve Better than Republican Representatives Standing by Trump, while Immigration Officials Take Children from Parents

Sacramento, CA – As the mass separation of children from their parents and incarceration of immigrant families on United States military bases rages on, SEIU California released the following statement from Roxanne Sanchez, President of SEIU California and SEIU Local 1021, calling for a change in leadership in key California districts now represented by Republicans who are standing by President Trump and allowing child cruelty to happen on their watch.


SEIU Members Speak Out to Save the Affordable Care Act

On June 14, SEIU filed a friend of the court (amicus) brief in defense of the Affordable Care Act in Texas vs. United States. A group of 20 Republican Attorneys General, led by Texas, is seeking a preliminary injunction to overturn the ACA. Last week, the Trump Department of Justice announced that it will not defend the attack. Our brief is in support of a group of Attorneys General, led by California AG Xavier Becerra, who intervened to defend the ACA.


Standing Strong for Environmental Justice

Supporters of social and economic justice have been on high alert since the election, beating back attacks on our civil rights and civil liberties as well as attempts to dismantle our education and healthcare systems. But extremists in Washington also have the environment in their crosshairs, and working people need to join together to protect our water, our air, and our health against corporations who are putting profits over people.


Our Retirement, Our Planet

Jan. 24 SF Retirement Board Feels the Heat from City Workers and the Public

Members of SEIU 1021’s Environment Justice Workgroup joined over 100 people from community groups and other unions at the January 24 SF Retirement Board meeting. Together we urged the Board to invest our retirement funds responsibly.

The Board did not vote for full divestment with a time deadline from coal, oil and gas investments, instead voting for “engagement” and a “phased divestment” of our retirement from the riskiest and dirtiest funds.


Investing in Early Childhood Educators is Good Practice – and Good Policy

For Head Start substitute teacher, Claudia Campbell, going back to school to get her degree seemed impossible:

“I’ve had my own children, and have taken care of others, but I’ve never had the education behind it,” Campbell said.

That is until the SEIU Early Educator Training Center, SEIU Local 1021, and the YMCA of the East Bay joined together to create an apprenticeship program that supports and uplifts Early Childhood Educators.


Richmond Passes $15 Minimum Wage Ordinance

SEIU 1021 members showed up in force at the Richmond City Council meeting on July 11th to advocate passing a $15 minimum wage ordinance. After hearing from our members and other individuals who testified, the Richmond City Council unanimously supported an ordinance to increase the city’s minimum wage.