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SEIU 1021

Member registration for the SEIU 1021 Convention is open!

The SEIU 1021 Member Convention is just around the corner! This event only comes once every three years and will take place in-person for the first time since the pandemic. It’s a chance to unite and celebrate our collective achievements while charting our path forward for the next three years. We will strategize on how best to continue our collective fight for equity, social justice, and workers’ rights. 


New contracts for over 16,000 City & County of San Francisco workers ratified, eliminating risk of strike
Members of SEIU 1021 working for the City & County in dozens of classifications, including registered nurses and SFMTA parking control officers, voted by large supermajorities to ratify tentative agreements reached over the past two months


Contact: Jennie Smith-Camejo, jennie.smith-camejo@seiu1021.org, (510) 710-0201

The threat of a widespread San Francisco city worker strike is officially over: Large supermajorities of members of SEIU 1021, the union representing over 16,000 city workers, have voted to ratify agreements reached with the City and County across three collective bargaining units. 


2024 SEIU 1021 Convention
You won't want to miss this!

On Sept. 28,  600 of your fellow SEIU 1021 delegates will be gathering in Sacramento for an exciting, thrilling, empowering convention. We’re coming together to rally for our biggest challenges ahead: a critical election in the coming months and the ambitious priorities we’ll be fighting for over the next three years.

At the convention, delegates will discuss, debate and vote on the core plan to guide our union over the next 3 years.

What: SEIU Local 1021 Member Convention 2024


SEIU 1021 Executive Board Statement Calls for Ceasefire in Gaza

Monday, November 6, the SEIU 1021 Executive Board held an urgent meeting after hearing concerns from dozens of members across Northern California about the need for the union to join labor unions and organizations around the world about the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Executive Board members discussed the situation at length and decided to issue the following statement as a first step.


San Francisco 2024 Citywide Campaign Kickoff – Jan. 17
Join us at City Hall at noon on Jan. 17 to send a strong message that we are united for a great contract to address the City's biggest needs, including staffing & privatization

As we head into contract negotiations in 2024, we face pessimistic budget projections and corporations panhandling for more tax breaks that would further decimate funding for the vital public services we provide.

We need to join together in a show of force to tell City Hall we’ll fight for what the city and its workers need over corporate greed!

Please join us at noon on Jan. 17, 2024, at City Hall for a huge campaign kickoff rally with our City labor partners and allies.


Coffee tastes better when its unionized: Peet’s Coffee workers hold rally after winning first union vote in North America

After voting fourteen to one to become the first unionized Peet’s Coffee location in the United States, Peet’s Coffee workers, now members of the Service Employees International Union Local 1021, held a rally on Saturday, January 28, 2023, in front of the coffeehouse in North Davis. The vote comes after nearly nine months of workers organizing with SEIU Local 1021 and Workers United, an SEIU affiliate organizing workers on the “Starbucks Workers United” campaign.


Fast food workers secure $2.2 million in wage theft violations, vow to continue their fight back against corporate greed

While fast-food corporations like McDonald’s Corporation, Burger King Corporation, Jack in the Box, Inc., and others attempt to roll back the significant gains with the passage of 2022’s Assembly Bill 257 – the Fast Food Accountability and Standards Recovery Act, or the FAST Recovery Act for short, fast-food workers continue the fight for higher wages, safer workspaces, and a union.


Relationships matter: SF VP Kristin Hardy on why our union gets active in politics

The midterm elections are right around the corner and SEIU 1021 members are fired up to talk to their friends, neighbors, and coworkers about the political candidates we are endorsing in this election. It is crucially important for our union to endorse and support candidates who are committed to the cause of working folks—it’s our opportunity to elect the people who approve our contracts, make decisions about funding our services, and set policies that dictate the future of our communities.


Rideshare and delivery drivers form the California Gig Workers Union

App-based drivers and delivery workers from across the Golden State announced the formation of a union Wednesday — the California Gig Workers Union (CGWU) — at a rally in front of Uber headquarters in San Francisco. 

Citing low wages and a lack of basic protections on the job, gig workers called on Uber and other tech giants to grant them employee protections and to recognize their right to join together in a union. Drivers marched to Lyft and DoorDash headquarters, too, holding similar rallies outside each.

Article by the SEIU 1021 Climate Justice Committee

SEIU 1021 Climate Justice Committee celebrates passage and signing of landmark bills: Senate Bills 1314 and 1137

SEIU 1021 Climate Justice Committee celebrates passage and signing of landmark bills: Senate Bills 1314 and 1137

Great news! Two bills have been successfully passed through the California state legislature and have been signed by Governor Newsom to help make progress toward our union’s climate justice goals: Senate Bill 1314, which stops supporting further oil and gas extraction, and SB 1137, which creates new restrictions to protect communities from the pollution and dangers of fossil fuel drilling.


Meet Kristin Hardy, SEIU 1021’s new Vice President of San Francisco

At the end of August, SEIU 1021’s Executive Board appointed Kristin Hardy as the new Vice President of our union’s San Francisco region after Theresa Rutherford, the region’s previous VP, became our local’s President. So who is Kristin and what is her vision for the San Francisco region?


Running for the CalPERS Board of Administration, Yvonne Walker fights for pensions and retirement security

In the midst of a hotly-contested political season, there is a race for a vital position that may fly under the radar. Retired members, as of July 1, 2022, of the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) have an opportunity to vote for their retired representative seat on the CalPERS Board of Administration. The 13-member CalPERS Board of Administration consists of officers who are elected, appointed, or hold office ex officio. The board of administration is responsible for the management and control of CalPERS.


It’s the final push for a FAST Recovery
Fast-food workers, SEIU Local 1021 members rally at state capital to demand California State Senate passes AB 257 - the FAST Recovery Act

On Tuesday, August 16, 2022, hundreds of fast-food workers rallied at the state capital building in Sacramento and across the city at various fast-food restaurant locations, demanding that California state senators pass the FAST Recovery Act and for California Governor Gavin Newsom to sign it into law.


SEIU 1021 Shows Up to Support Sheng Thao for Oakland Mayor

Oakland is at a political crossroads, with long-time mayor Libby Schaaf not eligible to run again after serving two terms, and three City Council seats up for election in Districts 2, 4 and 6. District 4’s current representative Sheng Thao is running for Mayor, and she kicked off her campaign on Saturday with plenty of support from SEIU 1021.


SEIU Local 1021 President Joseph Bryant speaks about the fight for fast-food workers’ rights on national Our Revolution broadcast

If unionizing your workplace is anything, it is a revolutionary act that unites us across racial, ethnic, religious, gender, and class lines. Last week Our Revolution, the progressive political action organization spun out of U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign, hosted an organizing call titled Building Worker Power. SEIU Local 1021 President Joseph Bryant, speaking alongside fast-food workers, members of the Communications Workers of America, and U.S.


Clinic workers score big victory as SB 1014 clears state senate
The California state senate passed the bill to increase funding and workers' voice on the job after a successful lobby day SEIU 1021 members took part in

Last Monday, May 23, community clinic workers — including SEIU 1021 members, members of other locals, and unorganized workers from around the state — flooded Sacramento. They spoke with state lawmakers about the importance of community clinics, which care for one out of six Californians and provide both general and specialized care to vulnerable populations. They also shared how chronic underfunding, combined with the stresses of the pandemic, have led to burnout and short-staffing and have harmed patient care.


The election is on! Mullissa Willette, the First Vice President of SEIU Local 521, is the choice for public-sector workers.

This year, workers whose retirement benefits are governed by the California Public Employees’ Retirement System will have an opportunity to vote for a new member of the  Board of Administration. This is a crucial election, as Board members are responsible for setting employer contribution rates, determining investment asset allocations, providing actuarial valuations, and much more.


Congratulations to our union’s newest Executive Board members!

A hostile, anti-labor president, a cadre of millionaires and billionaires attacking workers across the country, Janus v. AFSCME, wildfires blazing up and down California, the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, a continuing onslaught of police brutality and white supremacy, an insurrection to overthrow a democratic vote at the U.S. capital, the last Executive Board of SEIU Local 1021 saw a world turn upside down. Yet, through it all, our union survived.