SEIU 1021

New contracts for over 16,000 City & County of San Francisco workers ratified, eliminating risk of strike
Members of SEIU 1021 working for the City & County in dozens of classifications, including registered nurses and SFMTA parking control officers, voted by large supermajorities to ratify tentative agreements reached over the past two months



Contact: Jennie Smith-Camejo,, (510) 710-0201

The threat of a widespread San Francisco city worker strike is officially over: Large supermajorities of members of SEIU 1021, the union representing over 16,000 city workers, have voted to ratify agreements reached with the City and County across three collective bargaining units. 

The first and largest group to come to a tentative agreement with the City was the Citywide (or “miscellaneous”) unit, a far-reaching bargaining unit covering most city workers in numerous departments, from public works to human services to public libraries. They reached the tentative agreement with the City on April 12 after securing substantial improvements to contract language to reduce and prevent contracting out of public services; a $25/hour minimum wage for all city workers; a 13% cost-of-living adjustment over the three-year life of the contract to mitigate the impact of inflation; and many other provisions important to improving retention, recruitment, and working conditions. Most of these improvements were won after a hugely successful strike school in March attended by over 1600 city workers from several unions in the Public Employee Committee labor coalition, followed by a massive rally at the Main Library on April 9. They voted on ratification between May 6 and May 29, with the vote count taking place on May 30. Ninety-one percent of voting members voted yes on ratification.

Subsequently, tentative agreements were reached in May by the bargaining teams for the SF Department of Public Health registered nurses (working for SF General Hospital, Laguna Honda Hospital, and community clinics) and SFMTA Service Critical (largely comprised of parking control officers and Muni station agents) bargaining units. These agreements contain provisions addressing some of the biggest concerns for these groups, such as staffing and overreliance on travel nurses for the RNs and safety for Muni station agents, won after workers staged large rallies to call attention to these issues. RNs voted by 99.5% to authorize a strike just days before reaching the agreement.

The RN agreement was ratified June 12 by 86% of voting members; the SFMTA Service Critical agreement was ratified June 14 by 95% of voting members.

“The City and County of San Francisco has a dedicated workforce committed to providing high-quality public service to make our city run and address the city’s biggest problems,” said SEIU 1021 San Francisco Regional Vice President Kristin Hardy. “Short staffing and contracting out public services to unaccountable corporations and organizations with no stake in our community have too long been undermining the critical public services San Francisco needs to fulfill its potential. We are proud that by maintaining solidarity across classifications, bargaining units, and with our labor partners, we were able to find paths forward to resolve city workers’ biggest challenges.”


SEIU Local 1021 represents nearly 60,000 employees in local governments, nonprofit agencies, health care programs, and schools throughout Northern California, including seven private colleges and numerous community colleges. SEIU Local 1021 is a diverse, member-driven organization with members who work to make our cities, schools, colleges, counties, and special districts safe and healthy places to live and raise our families.