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SEIU 1021

As a Public Sector Worker, You May be Eligible for Student Loan Forgiveness!

Under a new policy from the Department of Education, if you work fulltime in the public sector (for a city, county, or other governmental organization or a non-profit that provides a designated public service, including early childhood education and public health), you may be eligible to have your federal student loans canceled. However, you must take action soon: the new policy states that you must apply before October 31, 2022.


We Mourn the Tragic Death of Alameda County Supervisor Wilma Chan

“Today I join our community in grieving a massive loss. Wilma Chan has passed away, taken from us far too soon. 

She spent her life in service to her community, as an Alameda County Supervisor and in the California State Assembly. She was a beacon for the Asian-American and Pacific Islander Community, as our state’s first Asian-American Assembly Majority Leader. She was a dedicated and tenacious advocate for healthcare, affordable housing, families, our elders, and our children.  


Caring about CalPERS: An interview with SEIU Local 1021 Retirement Security Committee Chair Cynthia Landry

The California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) manages pension and health care benefits for slightly over two million California public employees, retirees, and their families. Nearly one-third of CalPERS members are retirees receiving a monthly allowance from the pension and health care benefits system.

Cynthia Landry, the chair of the SEIU Local 1021 Retirement Security Committee, speaks about the importance of CalPERS, particularly on the diversity of its governing Board of Administration, and supporting labor:


Registration for the SEIU 1021 Virtual Convention for ALL members is now Closed!

Registration for All Members of 2021 Virtual Convention of SEIU 1021 ended on September 10.

The 2021 SEIU 1021 Convention is only weeks away, and we’ve been busy lining up dynamic speakers, engaging workshops, and an amazing program. Our convention platforms will focus on six key areas of our work: Economic Justice, Racial Justice, Climate Justice, Unions for All, Reclaiming Our Democracy, and Member Unity and Power. 


San Francisco Newsletter: August 2021

Welcome to the August issue of our monthly newsletter for SEIU 1021 members in San Francisco. You can read our July issue here, or keep reading below to see recaps of the big fights our members have taken on in the last month.


North Coast News – August 2021
Check out what SEIU 1021 members are working on from Marin to Del Norte County!

All over the North Coast region, members and chapter leaders have been taking our fights to the boss, advocating for better wages, safer working conditions, and increased benefit support from their employers.  

Keep reading to see what’s new up and down California’s North Coast this month for SEIU 1021 members.

Upcoming Meeting Calendar


Say “NO” to the Recall! Volunteer today.
It's a Right-Wing Attack on Our Jobs and Our Communities

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

According to recent polling, if the election to recall Governor Gavin Newsom were held today, he would lose. Without a worker-friendly governor in office, our jobs would be in jeopardy, and our communities would be left with less of the support they need. 

Too many of our friends, co-workers, and family members aren’t taking this recall election seriously. You can help stand up for good, union jobs and services for our communities no matter where you live or work.


Labor Leaders Lead the March for the Build Back Better Plan

In the nineteen-thirties and forties, it was the labor movement that brought the United States, and the world, out of the Great Depression. Only a decade ago, it was millions of working-class people that saved the U.S. and the world from the worst of the Great Recession.

Now, COVID-19 has revealed the structural inequalities about how our profit-first society runs. The pandemic has laid bare the injustice we see in race, class, gender, ethnicity, and more. It has also exposed the indifference to human suffering that is endemic to a system that favors the few over the many.


Member Interview: Organizing Good Trouble with SEJ Committee Chair Derrick Boutte

“Get in good trouble, necessary trouble, and help redeem the soul of America.”

–U.S. Representative John Lewis, Edmund Pettus Bridge, Selma, Alabama, March 1, 2020

Every three years, the leadership of SEIU 1021 organizes a convention where members gather, build community, and lay the foundation for our organizing in the years to come. You can learn more about this year’s convention at 1021convention.org.


Delegates Reach Overwhelming Consensus on SEIU Local 1021’s Priorities at the 2021 Virtual Convention
Racial Justice, Economic Justice, Environmental Justice and Climate Action, Unions for All, Member Unity and Power, and Reclaiming Our Democracy

Delegates Reach Overwhelming Consensus on SEIU Local 1021’s Priorities at the 2021 Virtual Convention

Saturday, September 25, 538 voting delegates and rank and file members, staff, and guests showed up for the SEIU Local 1021 Virtual Convention for four hours of powerful talks from special guest speakers, discussion and debate, as well as some entertainment and fun. The task before the voting delegates: to lay out the union’s priorities for the next three years.


Save the Date: 2021 SEIU 1021 Virtual Member Convention

Every three years, the leadership and staff at SEIU 1021 organize a member convention where we gather, build community, and lay the foundation for organizing in the years to come. This year, we’re going virtual with the same intention and goal to bring our members and leaders together for a day of celebration, acknowledgment, and organizing around economic, climate, and racial justice.


How one member’s efforts turned into a movement for racial justice in Mendocino County

In May of 2020, the country and most of the world were shocked as we witnessed the untimely loss of George Floyd’s life at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department. As the pain and outrage of another state-sanctioned murder sparked movements and marches across the globe, Troyle Tognoli, the Mendocino County Chapter Vice President, was activated to call on her peers and organize her community to bring awareness and change through the Black Lives Matter movement.


North Coast News – May 2021
Check out what SEIU 1021 members are working on from Marin to Del Norte County!

We have a new regional logo! We’re excited to unveil our new North Coast logo, created with assistance from our regional leadership, which can be seen on the left side of our newsletter banner above.

In the coming weeks and months, and particularly as Chapters begin to prepare for bargaining, the SEIU 1021 shirts, posters, and other swag will begin featuring this new logo. Keep your eyes peeled—we’re excited to roll out this new logo to unite North Coast members from all corners of our region, from Marin to Del Norte.


From union card to vaccine card: members secure vaccination appointments thanks to SEIU 1021

Since the beginning of the pandemic, SEIU 1021 members and member leaders have been leading the charge and advocating for standards and protections that frontline essential workers deserve as they keep our communities running. As a public-sector union, our members are some of the hardest-hit workers in the country; when announcements of vaccination availability began to come down the pipeline, members went to work monitoring and sharing information as far and wide as possible.