City of Sebastopol
Sebastopol public works crew packs council chambers
A sea of bright yellow jackets swarmed the council chambers in Sebastopol last Tuesday, Dec. 17. Public works crews came to share their concerns over missed opportunities during contract bargaining for the City to make things right regarding promotional opportunities and filling vacant positions.
Kevin Mulligan, a maintenance worker with the public works department and member of SEIU Local 1021, took to the podium to deliver the important message.
SEIU 1021 members establish Marin command center for workers’ rights
Tuesday, August 20, the hundreds of SEIU 1021 members who keep Marin running – including childcare directors, ecologists, library assistants, recreation supervisors, landscape workers, housing specialists, water treatment operators, and more – hosted an open house of their brand new Marin regional office.
SEIU 1021 members successfully push Sebastopol City Council to place sales tax on November ballot to save Sebastopol from potential bankruptcy and loss of public services
Tuesday, July 16, the SEIU 1021 members who keep Sebastopol functioning – including maintenance workers, water treatment operators, and building department support staff – took on Sebastopol City Council during their bi-monthly meeting. Their objective: to stress the importance of public services and avoiding future bankruptcy. These SEIU 1021 members were joined by the city’s police officers to emphasize the importance of putting a modest half-cent sales tax on the ballot for November.
Maintenance workers, public works employees, & firefighter support staff demand city council invest in Sebastopol
Tuesday, May 21, the union workers that keep Sebastopol
functioning – including maintenance workers, public works
employees, and firefighter support staff – confronted City
Council, demanding that they invest in Sebastopol.
We Won’t Be Divided by Billionaire Bullies
Bay Area Elected Leaders Pledge Support for Working Families Against Billionaire-Backed Assault