City and County of San Francisco

SEIU 1021

City and County of San Francisco

SEIU 1021 staff and member leaders are working hard to safeguard your health at work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Click here to find employer-specific information, details, and documents to learn more about what’s happening in your worksite during this outbreak.

Download the San Francisco City and County, Miscellaneous CBA (2022-2024)

Download the San Francisco City and County, MTA Service Critical CBA (2024-2027)

Download the San Francisco City and County, H-1 Fire Rescue Paramedics MOU 2007 - 2020

Download the February 8, 2023 letter to San Francisco Mayor London Breed on staffing up city & county positions

Check out listings of current City and County of San Francisco job openings, including available positions, pay rates, job descriptions, and application procedures.


Workers Take Action to Stop Harassment and Discrimination 

On March 7, more than 1,000 San Francisco workers and community allies protested in front of the headquarters of the SF Municipal Transportation Agency and the city’s Human Resources Department to demand City Administrators take immediate action to stop sexual harassment and end gender discrimination across city departments. 

The rally comes after city ombudsman Dolores Blanding released a report detailing allegations of bullying, verbal abuse, discrimination, and sexual harassment within city departments. 


San Francisco Contract Action Team

Calling all city and county workers, nurses, courts, housing authority, and non profit workers united in SEIU 1021! Our strength lies in our unity and our willingness to take action in the fight for our rights, fair contracts, and the services we provide to San Francisco’s communities. Join fellow SEIU 1021 members dedicated in advancing the rights of working families through collective action. Don’t miss the launch of our SF CAT (Contract Action Team). The CAT team leads the fight in winning at the bargaining table.


Why We March on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

On Monday, January 21, all across the country, thousands are expected to march in commemoration of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. In San Francisco, City and county workers will join the march to honor Dr. King’s legacy and to continue his fight for justice for all.
WHAT: Erase Racism March
Meet at 10 a.m. 


Fill Out the City-Wide Bargaining Survey Today

Having trouble seeing the survey?  Take the survey by clicking here.


Fill Out the SF MTA Service Critical Bargaining Survey

Having trouble seeing the survey?  Take the survey today by clicking here.


Fill Out the SF RN Bargaining Survey Today

Having trouble seeing the survey? Fill out the SF RN Bargaining Survey today by clicking here.


Child Care Center to Be Built for SEIU 1021 City Workers
Affordable, Accessible Child Care Plan Moves Forward

During our last contract negotiations, the City tried to go back on its word and informed us that they would not provide the child care center that our contracts, both Citywide and RNs, had included.

We took action to enforce our contracts and hold the City accountable. We filed grievances and, in arbitration, the City was found to have violated our contract.


Nonprofit and Homecare Workers Speak Out and Win 

Earlier today dozens of workers who provide care services to seniors, children, people with disabilities, and the homeless testified before the SF Board of Supervisors and moved them to raise wages under the city’s Minimum Compensation Ordinance.  


Notice of San Francisco RN Bargaining Team Elections
Tuesday, August 28th - Tuesday, November 13th: Nominations due September 25

In 2019, We Bargain a New Contract

Take the first step to help us prepare for our contract campaign: Nominate yourself or someone you know to the Registered Nurse Bargaining Team.

The Bargaining Team Election Process

We ensure that all major departments are represented. This includes SFGH, Laguna Honda, and the Community.

See the chart below: delegates will be elected by chapter / RN program. In each chapter / RN program, the nominees who get the most votes will be delegates on the team.


Stand Up for Fair, Transparent Hiring
CSC Meeting August 20, 5 p.m.

SEIU 1021 members have come out strongly against the Department of Human Resources (DHR)’s proposal to amend Civil Service Rules, eliminating the public posting of the Eligible List.

Over 850 SEIU 1021 members have signed petitions and over 100 showed up at Civil Service to voice their concerns.
We need as many members at this follow-up meeting as possible.


Notice Of San Francisco Citywide Bargaining Team Elections
Tuesday, August 14th - Monday, October 29th: Nominations Due September 11

In 2019, We Bargain a New Contract

Take the first step to help us prepare for our contract campaign: Nominate yourself or someone you know to the Citywide Bargaining Team.

The Bargaining Team Election Process

Every Chapter is represented on the bargaining team in proportion to the size of the chapter.

Our contract provides for 1 delegate for every 250 employees in each chapter or the fraction therein, in excess of 200 employees in a chapter.