SEIU 1021

HSA Rally to #FixOurCity! March 20, 12 p.m. at 170 Otis
Come out and show the City and the mayor we are serious about protecting & improving services!


Your bargaining team delegates are fighting hard at the table to fix the biggest issues facing us:

  • short staffing
  • workload
  • wasteful, unaccountable contracting out
  • unfunded mandates like Prop F
  • worker safety

But so far, City administration under the mayor’s leadership is failing to negotiate in good faith to settle a contract that can address the city’s biggest needs.

Let’s show them we’re ready to fight for our services! RSVP now for our rally on Wed., March 20, at 12 p.m. at 170 Otis.

Lunch is provided to those who RSVP. Sign up here or call the MRC at 1-877-687-1021.