Press Releases

SEIU 1021

Strike Update: Sac City Unified District Continues to Disrespect Lowest-Paid Workers as Their Hardships Mount and Schools Stay Closed
The only proposal the District offered classified staff today was the exact same one they presented Saturday, with a new date on it


March 28, 2022

Contact: Jennie Smith-Camejo, (510) 710-0201,

Today, as the strike of Sacramento Unified School District classified staff and educators stretched into its second week, hopes of being able to reach a fair, equitable agreement with District management were dashed when SCUSD’s bargaining team showed up to negotiations with no new counterproposals.


Strike Update: Strike Continues Monday; SEIU 1021 Waiting for Counterproposals from District
Dolores Huerta, famed civil rights and labor leader, co-founder of the United Farm Workers, scheduled to speak in support of educators at rally Monday 11 am, Rosemount High School


Monday, March 28

Contact: SEIU 1021 Jennie Smith-Camejo, (510) 710-0201,

SCTA Jamie Horwitz, 202-549-4921 (cell),                             

SEIU 1021 SCUSD Strike Update 3/26/22

SEIU 1021 SCUSD Strike Update 3/26/22

Friday, March 26, the SEIU 1021 Sacramento City Unified School District bargaining team once again requested that the District join us at the bargaining table. We asked them to join us Saturday morning at 10am. We shared our request for them to join us with media, in hopes of pushing them to respond to our request rather than ignoring it as they have ignored all of our requests to bargain since March 17.

Here is a brief strike update as of 9:30am on Saturday, March 26.


Sac City Educators & School Workers Strike DAY THREE: Striking Educators & Staff Hit the Street
Today, Friday, March 25, beginning at 11am, Caesar Chavez Park, across from City Hall, teachers, school staff, parents, and community supporters to rally and march in downtown Sacramento  

M E D I A   A D V I S O R Y

Friday, March 25, 2022


Contact: SCTA Jamie Horwitz, 202-549-4921 (cell), 

SEIU 1021: Jennie Smith-Camejo 510-710-0201,


DAY TWO Sacramento City Schools Staff & Educators Strike: Strike Continues. No New Talks Scheduled.
Teachers, school staff, parents and community supporters to rally Thurs., 11 am, at the Sacramento County Office of Education (near Mather Field)

M E D I A  A D V I S O R Y

Thursday, March 24, 2022 


Contact: SCTA Jamie Horwitz, 202-549-4921 (cell),

SEIU Jennie Smith-Camejo 510-710-0201,

SACRAMENTO –A strike by 4,600 Sacramento teachers and other school workers, members of the Sacramento City Teachers Association and SEIU Local 1021, enters its second day Thursday. No contract talks were held on Wednesday and no talks have been scheduled.


Hundreds of SF City Workers plan to March Down Market St in Protest of Mayor’s Refusal to Safely Staff City Services
As tens of thousands of city workers bargain for a new contract, workers will flood the streets to call on the Mayor to #StaffUpSF and invest in the vital services our City depends on


Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Contact: Andrew Baker

Hundreds of City Workers plan to March Down Market St in Protest of Mayor’s Refusal to Safely Staff City Services

As tens of thousands of city workers bargain for a new contract, workers will flood the streets to call on the Mayor to #StaffUpSF and invest in the vital services our City depends on


Hundreds of SF City & County Workers Rally to Call on the Mayor to “Staff Up SF” and Solve City’s Staffing Crisis


Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Contact: Andrew Baker

Hundreds of SF City & County Workers Rally to Call on the Mayor to “Staff Up SF” and Solve City’s Staffing Crisis

With over 3,800 vacant yet budgeted positions spread across City departments, workers demand solutions to the vacancy crisis impacting essential public services