SEIU 1021

Sonoma County Workers Approve New Contract


After many years of contentious negotiations, large-scale actions, and short-term contracts, our Sonoma County members have finally changed the way the County approaches negotiations.

“This round of negotiations was different,” said Janeann Dawson, a member of the Bargaining Team, “our years of taking action and showing that we’re united for a fair contract has led to a better round of negotiations with the County. This round of negotiations was marked by an immediate acknowledgment by the County that our members wouldn’t settle for anything less than a fair contract with healthcare protections and wage increases that keep up with the cost of living.”

On Friday, April 26th, Sonoma County workers approved a 4 year contract that ensures affordable healthcare coverage, cost of living adjustments for each of the four years of the agreement, and equity adjustments for more than 150 classifications in the first year in addition to the COLA. To help members facing challenges, the contract also bolsters the Housing Assistance Committee, which will pay up to $50,000 administrative fees related to housing.