SEIU 1021

San Joaquin County Workers Bargaining Team Election Updates!


Our contract with the San Joaquin County Expires on October 20, 2022, and a New Bargaining Team has been elected. The Bargaining Team will work with SEIU staff to bargain a new contract with County management. The Bargaining Team’s job will include: Bargaining and making decisions at the negotiations table and working with the Contract Action Team to ensure strong activity at the worksites to support the bargaining.

Print out a flyer of Bargaining Team Election Update here.

In some instances, the number of nominees in a Chapter is equal to or less than the total number of seats allotted to that group. When that occurs, those nominees are considered to be elected by acclamation and those seats will not be contested by a vote. Candidates considered elected by acclamation are denoted by an asterisk (*) preceding their name.

Carlos Mendoza, Behavioral Health, Para-Pro

Sabrina Lott, San Joaquin General Hospital, Para-Pro

Amanda Garcia, Sheriff, OOT

*Chris Leos, Public Works

*Mary Lopez, Department of Child Support Services

*Stephanie Ware, Department of Child Support Services

*Hector Guerrero, Downtown

*Shaun Freeman, Downtown

*Robert Lewis, Human Service Agency

*Desiree Collins, Human Service Agency

*Cassandra Burdick, Human Service Agency

*Kenneth McCoy, Downtown

*Eva Esqueda, San Joaquin General Hospital

*Bobby Smith, Behavioral Health

*Kari Turner, San Joaquin General Hospital

*Jennifer Edwards, San Joaquin General Hospital

*Cassandra Blake, San Joaquin General Hospital

*Mark Hansen, Behavioral Health

*Ryosuke Sakurai, Sheriff

*Sarah Cooper Sheriff

*Taffie Walter, Behavioral Health

*Monique Baca, Behavioral Health

*Paula Kaufmann, Human Service Agency

*Vincent Villa, Downtown

*Jeffery Dumlao, Human Service Agency

*Connie Layman, Human Service Agency

Carlos Mendoza, Behavioral Health

Sabrina Lott, San Joaquin General Hospital

Amanda Garcia, Sheriff

Challenges to or disputes arising from a Chapter election must be submitted to the Chapter Election Committee within three (3) working days of the submission of the committee’s election report to the Chapter Board.  Challenges must be submitted in writing and must cite specific violation(s) of the Chapter election rules and procedures, Chapter bylaws, or the Local 1021 Bylaws and Constitution. Challenges to the election will be considered valid only if they cite specific violations of election rules and procedures, Chapter bylaws, or the Local 1021 Bylaws and Constitution and if the alleged violation may have affected the outcome of the election. The Chapter Election Committee shall investigate and resolve challenges within ten (10) working days of receipt of the challenge.