San Joaquin County member Amanda Ayers Reflects on Completing the Member Internship Program
“Participating in the Member Internship Program was a great
experience. I’ve been a member of SEIU 1021 for 6 years and I’ve
always had questions about our organization and how to get
involved. Most of my interactions were with my field
representative, and I wasn’t too familiar with the nuts and bolts
of our Union.
Once I joined the member internship program that all changed. The
program required me to take 3 months of approved leave from the
job and participate full time with our union. I participated in
actions and trainings with chapters throughout our local that
taught me how to organize and empower our fellow members. Without
a doubt, the highlight of my experience was learning how to speak
directly with my coworkers on the power and importance of having
a strong union. Having conversations in confidence about who we
are and why we matter is critical to growing the power of our
Our chapter is changing for the better, but that doesn’t happen
overnight. We need active members who are willing to be trained
and involved when it comes to workplace issues. I recommend that
you join a committee, sign up for the membership trainings that
our union offers, and reach out to your co-workers who are not
active. In order to get what we want (fair contracts), we need
your input and contributions.”
Learn more about the Member Internship Program at