SEIU 1021

Relive our 2021 Black History Month Celebrations


Last year was bittersweet; there was significant turmoil as well many triumphs. The plight of Black African Americans reached the World’s stage and our local answered the call to fight for justice while stating proudly that ‘Black Lives Matter’. 

Our Social and Economic Justice (SEJ) Committee has put together a month-long program to celebrate the history and contributions of Africans Americans through virtual symposiums. Come join us during this time of renewal to celebrate greatness with us, and to nurture a new age of prosperity and hope.

Read a reflection on Black History Month and the role of unions in the fight for racial justice from Social & Economic Justice Committee Chair Derrick Boutte

“The labor movement is founded on the belief that an injustice to one is an injustice to all. This is why it’s important for our union, SEIU 1021, to be active in the fight against racism in our workplaces, our communities, and our society.

Many members deal with racism every day on the job. Employers often try to divide workers in any way they can to drive down pay, benefits, and working standards. This is one of the oldest tricks in the book. A core tenet of our mission must continue to be fighting against racism, bullying, unfair treatment, and injustice at work.

We must also tackle racism in our communities, and I was proud to see our union living these principles over the last year. We marched against police violence in San Francisco, Oakland, and beyond. We held racial justice roundtable discussions online. We produced material celebrating Juneteenth and educating each other on the ways the systemic inequalities of today can be traced back through history. But our work is not done, and we can’t achieve economic justice until we win racial justice.

Our union gives us a tremendous platform and opportunity to take on in the issues impacting our families and our communities. Our Social and Economic Justice (SEJ) Committee, which I am the Chair of, has many subcommittees which advance this work every day. I invite you to attend one of our Black History Month celebrations in the coming weeks or join our regular meetings on the second Thursday of each month. You can email me at to learn more.”

Black Wellness Matters, Feb 5th

A panel of experts within the realm Health & Wellness have been assembled in an interactive symposium.


  • Adrian Miller- Author and Soul Food Historian
  • Dr. Kristee Haggins- community healer, African-centered psychologist and professor,
  • Chef Maxcel Hardy
  • Danae Kimble- fitness instructor

Relive our 2021 Black History Month Celebrations

Black Wealth Matters, Feb. 19th

Watch this recap of our revealing journey into the history of Black Wealth in America and learn practical methods for securing and building multi-generational wealth.

Our featured speaker is Jasper Smith, a certified retirement counselor and founder of the Build Wealth Movement.

Watch the video recording here:

Relive our 2021 Black History Month Celebrations

Workers’ with Disabilities Committee Celebrates Black History Month, Feb. 23rd

The WWDC strives to advocate for, educate and empower workers and people with disabilities. The event will feature music, spoken word, and visual presentations to highlight the role, culture and history of Black People within the Disability Rights Movement.

Watch a recording of this panel discussion featuring Dr. Martin Jones, Ellen Rollins, Kaylah Marin, Harriet & Alex Bagwell, Leroy F. Moore Jr., and Bradley Lomax.

Relive our 2021 Black History Month Celebrations

Black Culture Matters, Feb. 26th

Watch a recap of our final event and celebrate the art and culture of Black people around the country and the globe. The feature presentation covers the legacy of Black Gospel Music and its contribution to the world.

Relive our 2021 Black History Month Celebrations