Notice of Chapter Elections: County of Sonoma County Chapter
Per the SEIU 1021 County of Sonoma Chapter Bylaws, notice is hereby given of an Officer Election for the County of Sonoma Chapter of SEIU 1021 for the purpose of electing a new Chapter Executive Board for a two-year term.
Elections shall be conducted by worksite ballot, held during the week of April 8 – 13, 2019 Monday through Saturday,during the hours of 11:30 am – 1:30 pm, unless otherwise noted, at the following locations:
- County Complex Breezeway: 585 Fiscal Dr.
- Health Services: 3333 Chanate Road
- Human Services Zephyr Bldg.: 3725 Westwind Blvd.
- Families/Youth/Children: 1202 Apollo Way
- Juvenile Justice Center: Los Guillicos
- Union Office: 600 B Street Santa Rosa (8am – 5:00pm M-Thu) (Fri 9:30 am – 5:00 pm) (Sat 9:00 am to 12:00 pm)
Specific dates and room locations will be distributed and posted the week of March 29,2019
Nominations for the officer seats listed below shall be in the
form of a nominating petition which shall be signed by ten(10)
dues-paying members, and must be submitted no later than 5 pm on
March 22, 2019.
Nominations may be mailed or delivered to: Attn. Sonoma County
Election Committee, SEIU 1021, 600 B St., Santa Rosa,CA 95401 or
faxed to SEIU 1021 (707) 542-1496. Nominees must submit written
notice of acceptance of nomination by 5 pm on March 29, 2019 to
run for office.
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary-Treasurer
- COPE Representative
- County Industry Council Representative
- At-Large Representative
- *The Chief Shop Steward shall be elected from their constituent body
Convention Delegates: Elected Chapter Officers: President, Vice
President, Secretary-Treasurer, Chief Steward,
COPE Representative, County Industry Council Representative and
At-Large Representative shall serve as automatic delegates to the
Convention, in the order listed. Any additional delegates that
the chapter is entitled to send to the Convention shall be
elected by secret ballot by members in good standing. The number
of delegates the Chapter is entitled to shall be determined by
SEIU 1021 Bylaws which currently states two (2) delegates for the
chapter and two (2) additional delegates for every additional
one-hundred fifty (150) members.
In order to be eligible to run for and serve in the above-referenced offices, all persons shall be dues paying member; an employee within a bargaining unit represented by the Chapter; and a member of Local 1021 for one (1) year prior to the election. Officer expectations can be found in the Sonoma County Chapter
Candidate nomination petition forms and a full definition of the duties and responsibilities for all offices are available at the SEIU 1021 Union office, 600 B St. Santa Rosa, between the hours of (8am – 5:00pm Mon -Thu)(9:30am – 5:00pm Friday); through your department Shop Steward; it can be downloaded here or you may also request a copy by calling (707) 293-2859.
Challenges to, or disputes arising from, a chapter election must be submitted in writing to the Chapter Election Committee within three (3) working days of the submission of the committee’s written election report to the Chapter Executive Board. The committee shall respond within five (5) working days of the receipt of the challenge. Challenges or disputes which are denied or cannot be resolved by the Chapter Election Committee may be appealed in writing to the Local 1021 Chapter Executive Board within five (5) working days of receipt of the Chapter Election Committee’s decision. The Local 1021 Chapter Executive Board shall investigate and respond within fifteen (15) working days of receipt of the challenge.
Challenges to the election will be considered valid only if they cite specific violations of the chapter election rules and procedures, chapter bylaws, or the Local 1021 Constitution and if the alleged violation may have affected the outcome of the election.