Members working for the Town of San Anselmo reach a new one-year contract extension, and first-time bargaining team member Mattie O’Grady reflects back on the process
Congratulations to our members working for the Town of San
Anselmo, who just settled a 1-year contract extension! Bargaining
during COVID has presented a whole new set of challenges to the
negotiations process, but members were pleased that they could
reach an agreement quickly, including Mattie O’Grady, a
Supervisor in the Recreation Department and first-time bargaining
team member for SEIU 1021.
“The person who had been on the bargaining team for a long
time in our department retired a few years ago, and we had two
department members step up for the last year, but this year it
was just sort of my turn to step up and play that role. I’m
always open to learning new things and trying out new
opportunities so I wouldn’t say that I was nervous, but I was
definitely interested to see how it all
works,” said Mattie.
Reaching an agreement took about 4 bargaining sessions, which
were all conducted over Zoom. 1% raises will go into effect in
both July of this year and January of next year.
Mattie was surprised at how smoothly things at the table went in
this most recent round of negotiations, saying, “Obviously
because of COVID, these negotiations were different than normal.
Things were all done via Zoom and we moved quickly and
collaboratively in reaching a resolution. There’s a lot of
uncertainty around the impacts of this pandemic on the town’s
budget, of course, but I’m grateful we secured an agreement that
will reward our members for their work and sacrifices throughout
this time.”
“For me personally, it was really important to keep an open
mind and remember that I was bargaining for the greater good and
not just for myself. Being on the bargaining team wasn’t just
about putting forth my own priorities but also the things that
are important to my colleagues and
coworkers,” Mattie said. “I
would say that I was a little hesitant to get involved at the
beginning but I’m so glad I did. Our union is a big part of our
life at work and it was a great learning experience. I saw
my role as representing everyone’s values and views at the
bargaining table, and I was proud to do that. I’d like to thank
my colleagues, fellow bargaining team members, and SEIU1 021
Field Rep. Joel for all of their hard work throughout this