SEIU 1021

Alameda County Meeting minutes
October 10, 2019


1. 6pm Call to order. a. Welcome and introductions made. b. Celina Guerra-Martinez, Georgia Schreiber, John Brixie, Elizabeth Raphael, Dawn Moore, and Cheryl Lott excused from meeting. c. Review and approval of Septembers minutes. Tieasha Anderson made motion for approval. Seconded by Christine. September minute accepted as is.

2. Presidents Update. Out of our 3790 membership, only 2% of our is contributing to COPE. We need to encourage our members to contribute to COPE. The money for COPE is separate from our dues. It’s how we can impact issues that matter to our members and how we hold elected officials accountable. Tina has gone to several worksite meetings. On 10/2/19 there was a worksite meeting at the Oakland Airport for the Sheriff Safety Aids (SSA). The SSA are one of the lowest paying jobs for the county. On 10/3/19 there was a worksite meeting for the Criminalists at Peralta Oaks. There is a worksite meeting scheduled for the PH-Nutrition Services at 3600 Telegraph. If you have not had a worksite meeting in the last few months, please check with your rep to get one scheduled. We have 2000 members in our General chapter, but only 30 Shop Stewards. Tina would like to have 100 stewards. We need to encourage more members to become stewards. The Leadership retreat at Laney College was good. People from all over came. If anyone is interested in participating in the New Employee Orientation (NEO’s), please let Tina know. It is held on A week Friday’s from 8:25 – 8:55. We are getting most new employees to be union members. Shop Steward can get release time to go to the NEO’s. Just need to let HR know in advance.

3. Trainings: There will be a Basic Steward training in Oakland on Tuesday December 3rd from 5:30 to 8pm. It will be held at 100 Oak St office. There will be a Intermediate Steward training on October 15 from 5:30 to 8pm. It will be held at 100 Oak St. According to our By-laws, Stewards need to take training twice a year.

4. Old Business: Tina did a presentation to the Budget and Finance committee to get funds for the General Chapter. It was voted on that night. Now it needs to go to the E-Board for a vote. We may have our funds by January of next year.

5. New Business: There is a petition for Child Care Worker Initiative that the union is supporting. Child are workers are one of the lowest paid in the county. Petitions will be handed out for use to get signatures. There is a debate watch party on October 15. It will be held at 447 29th St. from 5 to 8:30. If you wish to attend, please RSVP at 510-350-4527. There will be a Halloween party by SSA. Flyer are being made and will be sent out.

6. COPE Update: COPE is hold off on making an endorsement recommendations to the Labor Council until November for the District 1 seat that will be open when Supervisor Scott Haggerty retires. The coalition on police accountability presented requesting support of labor for reforms of Measure LL.

7. Staff Updates: Angela Osayande not present at this time to give update. Blake Huntsman: The Probation department is going through a big policy update. There is a grievance for Environmental Health over age discrimination. For the Sheriff dept. there have been follow up meet and confer meeting over Glen Dyer closing. Meeting on trainings and a bad boss issue resolved. There have been a few disciplines happening. In the Sheriffs office, Probation and Public Health. There were a few hundred members affected from the Public Health dept when they moved from 1000 Broadway to Creekside. There is a major meet and confer on updating the Admin Code and Salary Ordinance. We only have 3 Reps for 4000 members in Alameda County. The more stewards the better.

7:05 meeting adjourned.

The next meeting will be on November 14th at 100 Oak St. starting at 6pm.

In attendance: Christine Lake, John Smith, Alfonso Espinoza, Angela Osayande, Tina Tapia, Blake Huntsman, Tiesha Anderson, Agnes Wu, Neysan Solieman, Dave Gramlich, Susan Lumpkin.