SEIU 1021

Courts Workers Storm Sacramento


On Tuesday, May 14, court workers from throughout the state met with fellow SEIU members to talk to elected officials about the need to continue to devote funds to courts most in need. Court workers encouraged elected officials to make sure those who interact with the courts obtain fair, equitable, and timely access to services. To do this, elected officials must invest in court hours, staff adequately, and provide reasonable pay to retain dedicated, experienced workers.
Sandy Walden, a court reporter at Contra Costa Courts explained why she and her coworkers decided to come to Sacramento to speak directly to legislators, “Elected officials need to hear directly from us and the issues that confront us everyday. They need to see and hear the people whose lives they impact with the policies they pass or deny.”
Workers also spoke to elected officials and their staff about closing the pay gap in the trial court industry. Court reporters provide a necessary service to our judicial system, maintaining not only the record, but the sanctity of court proceedings. Court Reporters, which consists of a predominantly female workforce, have not received an increase in their statutorily set transcript rate in 30 years. It is time to close the gender pay gap.