Asian Health Services Reach Tentative Agreement After Long Negotiation
October 12, 2021: After a lot of hard work, effort, and patience, SEIU 1021 members at Asian Health Services (AHS) have finally reached a tentative agreement (TA) with management! The TA includes eight percent in raises over the next two years, as well as some equity adjustments for certain classifications and improvements in contract language around grievance and arbitration, sick leave, and more.
La Clínica de la Raza members fight for an investment in patients and our communities
Sign & show your support for these workers!
Sign our petition to support workers at La Clínica!
La Clínica de la Raza provides vital healthcare services to communities in Alameda County, Contra Costa County, and Solano County. These healthcare services are overwhelmingly provided by the 700+ members of SEIU 1021.
Two for two: Miller and Pacheco win 2021 CalPERS Board of Administration race
Victory! SEIU Local 1021, along with firefighters, teachers, health care workers, and the rest of the California labor movement, successfully led the effort to re-elect David Miller and elect Jose Luis Pacheco to the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) Board. At stake during the race for the Board of Administration were the hard-earned retirement savings and the health care benefits of its over two million members.
Activision employees stage walk-off
Why the UNION DIFFERENCE matters!
NBC News: Activision Blizzard workers walk out after sexual harassment lawsuit
Activision/Blizzard employees staged a walk-out action on Wednesday, ending a week of increased & mounting tensions over how executives handled accusations of discrimination and sexual harassment at the company.
Regional Center of the East Bay members win a new four year contract
On Friday, December 13 SEIU 1021 members at the Regional Center of the East Bay (RCEB) ratified a new four-year agreement.
City of Berkeley Legislative Aides win a voice at work by joining SEIU 1021
Last night, Berkeley Legislative Aides employed by the City Council submitted a petition to the Berkeley Personnel Board calling for the same collective voice that other city workers enjoy. After successfully making their case to the Personnel Board, these 17 workers became the newest members of the Berkeley Community Service Chapter of SEIU 1021.
La Clínica workers hit the sidewalk in a show of solidarity with their bargaining team
On the heels of a successful strike authorization vote, SEIU 1021 members at La Clínica de la Raza turned up the heat in their fight for a contract by holding a powerful unity break outside their offices on Wednesday, November 27.
“For tens of thousands of families across Northern California, we are one of the only options people have for the health care they desperately need,” said Angel Valdez, Layout Graphic Designer and La Clínica SEIU 1021 Chapter President.