SEIU 1021

2021 CCA Chapter Election


Monday, April 26, 2021, ballots for the 2021 CCA chapter elections will go out via Election Buddy. Please note, the deadline to request a ballot is Friday, April 30, 2021, and voting will close on Wednesday, May 5, 2021, at midnight. 

Please mark your calendars for a Union Town Hall and Candidate Forum on April 28th at 5:30 PM.  The town hall will kick off with bargaining updates, then you’ll have a chance to hear from union officer candidates, and have an opportunity to ask the candidates questions.

To RSVP, please email or

There are eight (8) positions open for nomination and election for two-year terms that will begin September 1, 2021. Self-nomination and nominations of others will be accepted electronically through this form, or via email to Should you choose to email your nomination, you must identify both the individuals you are nominating and the office you are nominating them for.

A secure electronic election will be held in accordance with the bylaws of SEIU Local 1021 and the procedures contained in this notice. The specific offices to be nominated and elected are listed below. 


The SEIU Local 1021 California College of the Arts Election Committee are the following individuals:

Hugh Behm-Steinberg, Senior Adjunct, Writing & Literature, 

Kēhau Lyons, Academic Advisor, Academic Advising (BFA Graphic Design 2012), 

Annette Miramontes, Student Records Coordinator II, Student Records, 

Noga Wizansky, Adjunct 2, Critical Ethnic Studies, 

The election committee’s duties include but are not limited to: nominations and eligibility verification; production and distribution of election materials; counting ballots; resolution of challenges, and; certification of the election results and notification(s). Members of the election committee are not eligible to run in the election. You should reach out to members of the committee with questions about the election.


President: Matt Kennedy (ETS) Elected
Vice President: Vacant
Secretary: Melissa Leventon (Senior Adjunct, Fashion), Amber Bales (Library Technician), Calder Yates (Advancement Staff)
Treasurer: Piper Alldredge (Studio Manager) Elected
Adjunct Chief Steward: Vacant
Staff Chief Steward: Brian Harte (Studio Manager) Elected
Adjunct Political Coordinator: Vacant
Staff Political Coordinator: Paul Navarrete (Library Public Service Manager) Elected

Following the election, the elected officers will draft chapter bylaws and present them to the membership for ratification. The elected officers will also oversee the contract ratification votes of the two bargaining units’ Collective Bargaining Agreements.

Anyone receiving votes for any office up for election will be placed on the leadership roster. Should a permanent vacancy arise for any position, a replacement will be appointed from the roster according to the vote tallies.


The Officers of the CCA Chapter shall be selected by popular vote of both bargaining units. One election will determine the President and Vice President. The President shall be the individual who receives the most votes for that office, while the Vice President shall be the individual who (1) receives the second most votes for President; AND (2) is not in the same bargaining unit as the President.

President: The President is the public face of the unionized workforce at CCA. The President, or their designee, shall officiate at and facilitate all union meetings. In collaboration with the other elected leaders, The President shall be responsible for setting the strategic agenda of the CCA Chapter and for overseeing the implementation of organizing priorities relevant to both Bargaining Units at CCA and to the community at large. The President shall be accountable to the membership and its democratic decision-making process. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees established by the Chapter Officers or the General Membership.

Vice President: The Vice President shall act as President in the absence of the President and shall also serve as a public representative of the Union. The Vice President shall be the officer providing the primary support to the President in implementing the Chapter’s organizing priorities. This shall include but not be limited to supporting and directing the work of other chapter officers; serving on committees in a voting or ex-officio capacity; and involving the membership in the execution of the chapter’s workplace, community and political organizing priorities.

Secretary: The Secretary shall keep a correct record of the proceedings of all Chapter Board and General Membership meetings and shall provide a copy thereof to the Secretary of the Local Union upon request. The Secretary shall receive all correspondence and communications on behalf of the Chapter. The Secretary shall be responsible for intra-chapter communications, such as phone trees and email lists, and for overseeing turnout for chapter events and actions. The Secretary shall be responsible for the Chapter’s media outreach, social media accounts and any websites. The Secretary shall appoint a deputy from the bargaining unit to which the Secretary does not belong. The Deputy Secretary shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Chapter Board.  

Treasurer: The Treasurer shall manage chapter funds. The Treasurer shall also be responsible for devising and implementing strategies for mutual aid at the workplace and in the broader community. This includes but is not limited to any fundraising for Chapter Board and/or General Membership initiatives; organizing a strike fund; assisting coworkers with filing for unemployment; and identifying partners in the broader community to collaborate with on organizing projects. The Treasurer shall appoint a deputy from the bargaining unit to which the Treasurer does not belong. The Deputy Treasurer shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Chapter Board.  

Chief Stewards: The Chief Stewards for each bargaining unit shall be primarily responsible for educating bargaining unit members on their rights at work. This includes providing members with opportunities to improve their own abilities at enforcing the Collective Bargaining Agreement. The Chief Stewards shall recruit and, along with Local 1021 Staff, train stewards in every department who, in turn, support their coworkers in enforcing the CBA. Chief Stewards shall serve as a resource for department stewards in carrying out their duties at the worksite. Chief Stewards shall oversee the investigation, drafting and filing of grievances and, when department stewards are unavailable or if the grievance is of a highly significant nature, represent a bargaining unit grievant at a meeting with CCA Administration. Chief Stewards shall be apprised of all disciplinary actions at CCA and, in coordination with other stewards and Union Staff, determine the necessary protocol for helping a worker assert their Weingarten rights. The Chief Stewards shall oversee the selection of the Joint Labor Management Committees. The Chief Stewards shall support the work of the JLMC by helping set JLMC agendas; attending JLMC meetings when necessary; and facilitating communication among the JLMC, shop stewards, and the membership at large.

Political Coordinators: Political Coordinators from each bargaining unit shall be responsible for providing political information and education to the members of the chapter. The Political Coordinators shall be responsible for the Chapter’s racial justice organizing and for coordinating with other chapters or Local-wide committees on matters relating to racial justice. They shall assist and coordinate with turn-out, COPE cards, and other duties related to political activities of the chapter and Local Union. The coordinator will also be one of the chapter representatives/delegates to the Local 1021 County COPE Committee. Additional delegates shall be selected based on the rules of the applicable County COPE Committee. Additional members may attend County COPE Committee meetings.

CANDIDATE CERTIFICATION: The election committee will certify all candidates no later than  April 14, 2021. Candidates that are disqualified by the election committee due to ineligibility shall be notified of the reason. Once certified if only one (1) candidate is nominated for an office, they shall be deemed elected. The candidate shall have their name on the ballot, under the name of the office, with the word “Elected” next to it. 

ELIGIBILITY TO VOTE: All SEIU Local 1021 CCA members in good standing are eligible to vote in the election. To check your membership status, write to SEIU Local 1021 Field Representative Corey Sherman (  


BALLOT OPENING: A secure electronic ballot shall be sent to all eligible voters by text and email on April 26, 2021. This notification will also include the date and time voting is to close. 

BALLOT DEADLINE: Votes must be cast by May 5, 2021. Only votes cast through the Election Buddy ballot will be considered valid. DO NOT EMAIL YOUR VOTE TO ANYONE — IT WILL NOT COUNT.

BALLOT REQUESTS: If a member does not receive a ballot on April 26, 2021 they may request a ballot by contacting SEIU 1021 Field Rep Corey Sherman ( by April 30, 2021. 

BALLOT COUNT: Election Buddy will generate the election results, which the Election Committee will verify. Tentative election results will be announced via e-mail. Certification will occur following the disposition of challenges on May 10, 2021. Notifications will be distributed to the membership, posted on social media, and given to the CCA Administration and the Local 1021 Executive Board. 

Write-in candidates and proxy voting are not permitted in this election. 

ELECTION CHALLENGES: Any challenge concerning the conduct of the election must be submitted in writing to the election committee at no later than May 10, 2021 3:00 PM. Challenges to the election will be considered only if they cite specific violations of election rules or the SEIU 1021 bylaws and if the alleged violation could have affected the outcome of the election. The election committee is the final authority on all election issues. Adjudicated challenge decisions will be distributed by May 14, 2021 5:00PM. 

All times are Pacific Standard Time

March 10, 2021 - Nominations Begin – via electronic submission

April 6, 2021 - Nominations Close 8:00 PM

April 14, 2021 - Deadline for eligible candidates to be certified by the election committee

April 15, 2021 - Deadline for candidate statements 5:00 PM

April 26, 2021 – Ballots distributed by Election Buddy

April 30, 2021 - Deadline to request ballot

May 5, 2021 - Ballot closes at midnight

May 10, 2021 - Deadline for challenges 3:00 PM

May 14, 2021 - Deadline for challenge pronouncements 5:00 PM

May 14, 2021 - Certification of the election, notification of results, leadership transition begins