SEIU 1021

Tomorrow Is Election Day


 “We have to step up as voters and cast a vote for someone that will support the work we do in our community. And this is that election. said Akbar Bibb, who has been a Solano County social worker for 24 years.

Akbar and SEIU 1021 members have been knocking on doors, making phone calls, and spreading the word on social media to help get out the vote in this important election. We’re getting the vote out to pass Prop. 10 so that our local communities can take steps to address the lack of affordable housing, and we’re supporting leaders who champion quality public services, investment in our public schools, and environmental justice.

“As a social worker, I walk in homes where my clients are struggling to pay their rent.  They don’t know what bill to pay, and not to pay.  It’s a real life struggle where I have to bring food bank information with me on every single visit.  Sometimes I have to bring food because they don’t have any. There’s a crisis happening. That’s why we need to pass Prop 10.”

“With all that is happening in this election–I’m excited. This election I’m thinking of the future of my kids.  Nationally, I’m excited of all the new voices, like Stacey Abrams, that have risen out of the divisive rhetoric we are seeing out of the in the White House. Locally, I’m excited of all the work we are doing around affordable housing.”