SEIU 1021

Sonoma County library staff deliver 180 petitions to Library Commission demanding adequate staffing

SEIU 1021-represented branch managers, librarians, and library support staff confronting the Library Commission over inadequate staffing

The branch managers, librarians, and library support staff who keep Somona County libraries running united at the Sonoma County Library Commission, delivering 180 petitions demanding adequate staffing.

As Jennifer Ryder, a Sonoma County Library branch manager, explained: “Libraries give working families and their kids an even playing field, particularly in tough economic times. Unfortunately, too many librarians are leaving Sonoma County for better opportunities in other counties. Sonoma County should invest its recent funds directly in our community’s libraries because Sonoma’s families deserve better.”

During the November 2024 election, more than a two-thirds majority of Sonoma County passed Measure W, which extends an already existing library fee and utilizes a sales tax previously approved by voters in 2016.

Jon Haupt, a Sonoma County library branch manager, reflected: “The public renewed Measure W in large part to work towards our shared commitment to library staffing. By investing this funding into adequate staffing for librarians and support staff, the County not only continues to honor the public’s wishes but we make sure that the community has full, uninterrupted access to books, media, tax education, and so much more.”