SEIU 1021

SEIU joins forces with AFL-CIO for a more powerful partnership


Two major labor organizations are coming together to create unprecedented worker power in the face of fierce corporate opposition and likely setbacks for workers’ rights from the Trump administration. SEIU announced we are joining AFL-CIO to combine our two million service and care workers with the labor federation’s 13 million members.

The nationwide stronghold is a sign of the times, as workers are organizing to build more power that will be needed when confronting anti-labor initiatives. 

Together, SEIU and the AFL-CIO pledge to build power for the working class as it gets increasingly difficult for many members to pay rent or put food on the table. 

“SEIU members are ready to unleash a new era of worker power as millions of service and care workers unite with workers at the AFL-CIO to build unions in every industry and every zip code,” said SEIU International President April Verrett. “Working people have been organizing our workplaces and communities to build a stronger economy and democracy.”

She went on to say our union stands ready to face union-busters in both corporations and government while focusing on rewriting outdated, sexist, racist labor laws. 

“We’re so proud to join together as nearly 15 million members redouble our commitment to build a thriving, healthy future for working people,” said Verrett

This partnership in solidarity of working people across entire industries will provide life-changing opportunities for union members in their fight for a common goal: dignity, safety, and respect. 

Together, SEIU and the AFL-CIO will challenge anti-labor attacks head on by coordinating strategy and maximizing resources.