SEIU 1021

SEIU 1021 members have been getting out the vote across Northern California


Throughout our local, members and member leaders alike have been volunteering their time to increase voter turnout. As unionists, we know better than most the power of collective action and that is as true in the streets as it is in the ballot box.

“It has been said more than once that this is the most important election of our lifetime and it’s true from the local to the national level,” said Andrea Mullarkey, Co-Chair of our Alameda County COPE Committee. “We pick the leaders we want to represent us, the policies that matter to us, and how we want to spend our public funds. This year’s ballot has a range of measures that connects personally to all voters in some way. Thats why I’m working hard to ensure every SEIU 1021 member exercises their right to vote.”

Our members have been doing tremendous work amidst this pandemic to still get the word out about the important items on the ballot this year, and all of our volunteers should be applauded for their work. We’ve been spreading the word to vote NO on Prop 22 to hold Uber and Lyft accountable to following labor law, and showing our support for schools and local public services by urging folks to vote YES on 15 to make big corporations pay their fair share. We stand proud and united in our effort as a union to get out the vote to our families and communities. 

We may not know the results immediately, but we turned out in record numbers in this election and are sure to have mad a difference up and down the ballot. Now, we must make sure every vote is counted and hold those newly-elected leaders accountable.