SEIU 1021

Members protest budget cuts to Oakland City services


Unions representing Oakland city employees united on Friday, June 28, to together protest a proposal that would address a historical budget deficit by slashing funding to critical services, including firefighters and police.

Members of SEIU 1021 and IFPTE Local 21 gathered in front of City Hall at Frank Ogawa Plaza in the afternoon, donning their union colors and holding up signs that read, “Chop from the top!” 

Hundreds of people, many of them in purple, packed the council chambers and lined up for public comment to voice their concerns. They were reacting to the revelation that the mayor’s original plan to use funds from selling the Coliseum to close the budget deficit without cutting services is now at risk. 

City of Oakland Chapter President and Police Communication Dispatcher Antoinette Blue stated, “This potential setback will severely undermine efforts to keep Oakland clean, safe, and healthy by harming the communities that need services most and those who perform the critical work of keeping Oakland clean and safe.” 

KPIX reports that Council President Nikki Fortunato Bas mentioned the sheer volume of people who came out for public comment, numbering more than 100, could stall their decision for the city budget to Tuesday, July 2. The vote will happen today.