Longtime SEIU 1021 member leader wins seat on Sonoma County Employees’ Retirement Association Board
We’re proud to announce that Tim Tuscany has won election to the SCERA Board. This is a fantastic win not just for Tim, who unseated a 16 year incumbent to secure victory, but for all SEIU 1021 members participating in the retirement plan.
SEIU 1021 members deserve strong advocates in the leadership of
our retirement associations, just like we deserve a voice at
every table where decisions are made that impact us, our
families, and our communities.
Tim is committed to fighting for retirees covered by the SCERA
plan, saying, “Retirees’ pensions must be supplemented
with a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA). I will fight for all
retirees to improve your pension.”
“From our union activist days, I learned that Tim is a strong
advocate and leader,“ said Chip Atkin, Chair of the
Sonoma County Retiree Chapter of SEIU Local 1021. “He
will push for a COLA for retirees. Tim knows that an
Environmental, Social, Governance screening of investments help
promote good returns by avoiding controversies that are a drag on
investment, while ensuring that our investments solve problems as
they make money.”