SEIU 1021

Alta Regional Center Chapter ratifies historic contract with overwhelming support


SEIU Local 1021’s Alta Regional Center chapter, which serves Californians with special abilities across the greater Sacramento region, has voted to ratify their new collective bargaining agreement in a landslide, with over 90% approval.

Chapter vice president Dan Kilmer called the contract’s financial package the best the chapter has seen in over 15 years, a sentiment echoed by chapter president Erin Starling. “Achieving this during difficult economic times, with rising inflation and out-of-control cost of living, is a testament to the power of our members’ unity and determination,” Starling said.

The new three-year agreement includes a robust financial package:

  • Two additional steps worth 10%,
  • Signing bonuses averaging $2,000 to $3,000 per member,
  • Internet stipend bonuses of several hundred dollars per member,
  • A 5% wage increase in year one, 2% in year two, and 4% in year three,
  • Additional 5% steps.

Altogether, the agreement delivers a total pay increase of 21% to 26%, plus bonuses—a much-needed boost for members as the holiday season approaches.

Shanice Hill, SEIU field representative for the Alta chapter, highlighted that beyond the economic gains, the contract also includes critical language improvements. These changes will help the chapter executive board enforce the new agreement effectively, ensuring lasting benefits for members.

The overwhelming approval of this contract showcases the strength of SEIU Local 1021 members and their elected bargaining team, who delivered a strong agreement during challenging times.