SEIU 1021

After Overwhelming Public Outcry, SFMTA Takes Crossing Guard Cuts Off the Table
After the crossing guards’ union alerted the public that a proposal to eliminate school crossing guards would be presented at Tuesday’s SFMTA board meeting, crossing guards, parents, and even students themselves spoke out — and won.



Contact: Jennie Smith-Camejo,, (510) 710-0201

SAN FRANCISCO: Wednesday, February 19, SFMTA directors notified SEIU 1021, the crossing guards’ union, that eliminating the school crossing guard program was off the table.

The union learned from SFMTA late last week that eliminating the crossing guard program was to be included as a component of an option to cut the agency’s budget and immediately alerted parents and the media. Reaction was swift and overwhelming: Crossing guards, parents, school officials, and even students emailed the SFMTA board and showed up at the board meeting on Tuesday to speak out.

From tearful pleas from children to parents outraged at the suggestion that their kids’ safety would be put at risk to save a maximum of $2.9 million out of a $1.4 billion budget, San Francisco residents stood to implore the board to consider other options to balance the budget, including extending parking hours and/or using reserves.

“We are relieved and encouraged that SFMTA listened to all the parents, students, and crossing guards like myself and came to the only reasonable conclusion: Crossing guards are too important to public safety to cut,” said Joel Kamisher, who has been a crossing guard for 10 years. “You can’t put a price on a life. Even one preventable death or injury is too much, and going to school should not put a child’s life at risk. We appreciate SFMTA’s decision to withdraw this dangerous proposal. We are grateful to everyone who spoke out and made sure the MTA board understands what a vital part of Vision Zero we are. San Francisco will be safer as a result of their activism.”

Joel can be available for interviews from 6-7 a.m. Thursday at 19th and Judah. Please call or text him at (415) 282-9932 if you plan to go.


SEIU Local 1021 represents nearly 60,000 employees in local governments, nonprofit agencies, health care programs, courts, and schools throughout Northern California, including seven private colleges and numerous community colleges. SEIU Local 1021 is a diverse, member-driven organization with members who work to make our cities, schools, colleges, counties, and special districts safe and healthy places to live and raise our families.