SEIU 1021

Tell your CA legislator: Pass a Recovery Budget for All!


This pandemic has exposed our nation’s – and California’s – greatest weaknesses: inequality, racism, exclusion of immigrants, and the economic vulnerability of the vast majority of people, whether poor, working class, or middle class. 

We cannot pass a budget that reproduces this injustice. Click here to send an email telling your CA legislator to pass a recovery budget for all.

SEIU frontline workers went from being invisible – to being “essential” – and now they’re on the chopping block. That’s not right.

We’re asking for a budget that:

  1. Generates new revenue from large corporations and the wealthy 
  2. Includes no trigger cuts – this is a bad idea from the past and must not be repeated
  3. Includes no cuts that negatively impact working communities, low-income families, and communities of color
  4. Includes all immigrant workers and families regardless of status in our healthcare and economic safety nets

We need a bold, new approach – investing in our frontline communities who have risked so much to keep us safe AND asking for those who have benefitted the most from our economy to step up and contribute more. The time for courageous action is NOW, not next year. We can’t allow our state to kick the can down the road.

Click here now to email your CA legislator and tell them to pass a recovery budget for all.